Just real quick...Kristi ended up coming over to my apartment last night around 11:45, stayed until 2 a.m. and brought a bottle of wine and chocolate. We drank the whole bottle between the 2 of us and told funny stories from back home, as well as some funny stories about 'our kids' here in Paris. It was a blast! And totally what we both needed, a night not based around the job or life here and just a normal 'girls night.' Now it's 10:30 a.m. and I wish I could sleep longer but I seem to be awake...in a couple hours she and I will head off to Paris for the whole day and I think tonight we will lay down on the lawn in front of the Eiffel tower, as neither of us have seen it lit up at night yet! Can't wait...now, what shoes to wear today ??
A bientot!
Sounds like you two had a great time just relaxing and enjoying getting to know each other better! Hopefully all went well when she visited with her family and that situation will work out. I hope you have a great time in Paris and enjoy the lights of the Eiffel Tower!! Post some photos!! Talk to you Sunday! :-) Carolyn
Did you take that picture?? It is amazing and should be made into postcards. Or put into a frame. Or both. :)
Your dad and Carolyn are on the front page of the tribune rocking out at Hot August Nights. I'm sending the picture to you. :)
I am glad you had a good time with Kristi and have been praying (as I am sure everyone else has!) that she stays.
I know you'll like laying in the grass at the Champs du Mars and seeing La Tour Eiffel light up. Ah, I miss Paris, and you! :) Mucho love from the Bean-Huff household. :)
P.S. The Eiffel Tower is really close to the street we stayed on, Rue Cler. Someday you should check it out...it has lots of great little food shops and several open-air markets. Quintessential Paris. :)
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