Friday, August 31, 2007
No Mac 'n Cheese here!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
An Interview with les enfants
Just partaking in some random interviewing...we have our own language, one in which neither French nor English is used. It's called "blah blah blah". We use it when one of us can't understand the other, so we resort to this language, one we ALL KNOW. Then the kids sing some songs for our enjoyment!
Today was fairly ordinary...but pretty great. This morning I got a long, wonderful 'letter' via email from Ruthie, in which she told me all about whats been going on with her family, and she included a long letter that Maria wrote to Matthieu..! It was great! So now Maria and Matthieu can be 'pen pals!' They are both almost 3 years it's perfect. We will most definitely reply to her letter. I made the kids a picnic today for dogs, fruit salad, and a cookie. They ate in the backyard, then I made my own lunch...then Virginie came home as I was eating. So she got home early, and ate my fruit salad with me and said it was "tres bon!" We cleaned up the dishes then went to "le prefecture" which is some type of government office where I'm applying for my "carte du sejour" which will replace my VISA when it expires. OBVIOUSLY this was the 3rd time we've been to this office and once again, more I will return there on Monday. Guess where it is? Right ACROSS THE STREET from the Palace of Versailles, in Versailles, about a 10 minute drive from the house. So I got to see the palace AGAIN, and I will go back on Monday now to tour and explore the palace, and then stop by the Prefecture for the paperwork. Virginie and I had a good laugh about the b.s. of paperwork required for these legal things. She was quite irritated with the people in the office, so it was (an American) and she (French) bullying up against the snobby women in the office, we were like a team, then walked away laughing about how ridiculous some things are. Anyways...she told me in the car, "This is how it is with the French: we say we are going to do something, but we rarely do it when we we ALWAYS have to call and check on it again, and again...until it gets done". This is definitely NOT the case with Virginie and Jerome however...they are extremely efficient in getting things done when they say. Anyways...
I had an appointment at the post office at 2:30 to open a bank account there for my paychecks. Virginie told me I could go alone and take the car! So today was my first day driving 'toute seul' with the car and it went so smoothly. SO LIBERATING! To drive in France all by myself, playing some music, and not getting lost once! It was great...I went to la poste, parallel parked in a tiny spot (as they all are) and opened the account, then I drove to Monoprix and purchased a few cleaning supplies for the studio, walked over to "la coiffure" (the hairdresser) to look at prices, got back in the car and made it all the way back home without making one wrong turn! Sounds simple, but the neighborhoods here are very similar, with many windy turns up the hill and its easy to take the wrong direction. SO needless to say, it was fun and felt good to know my way around and run a few errands.
I'm tired tonight, and I work all day tomorrow and I may not blog in the next day or two...not sure. Want to get some rest before my long 4 day weekend! Can't wait! Email me if you want, it's really great to talk to everyone, you don't seem so far away!
Au revoir!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
What's that big building up ahead?
I was driving with Jerome tonight to learn the route to the poney club (yes, the girls take 'poney lessons' at an equestrian club every Friday), and we were driving down a main road that I've driven on before, except this time I noticed a really large cream colored mansion, perhaps a big government office or a chateau...haha. We were above it, and I asked Jerome, "Qu'est-ce que ca tout droit?" (What's that straight ahead?) And he replied "A ton avis?" (in your opinion?) He definitely had a smirk on his face...and I realized what it was right away (forgetting how CLOSE we live to this monument). "Ohh Versailles!" Yep, it was the Palace of, every Friday as I drive the girls to poney club I can look at the enormous's pretty spectacular. And in fact, I am planning on spending this Saturday (toute la journee)...all VERSAILLES! I can't wait, I am doing my research now. I have a 4 day weekend because the children will be with their grandparents for 2 I am doing Versailles on Saturday, museums on Sunday (for free, because it's the first Sunday of the month), and on Monday and Tuesday I will probably explore more of the quaint neighborhoods of Paris. Probably returning to Hugo's house next Tuesday. It is REALLY FUN to make a poster full of categorized lists of places I want to see and things I want to do...and this weekend looks like when I'll start checking things off!
Today Virginie cleaned 2 carpets for me so I have a clean floor and one more carpet than before that is really colorful and soft to sit on. I vacuumed a lot as well. I went for a small job this evening and stopped at the market to buy a cheap bottle of Merlot and a baguette. Today is also GINA'S birthday, so I talked to her for just a quick second online and will find a fun little Paris gift to send her in the mail soon. I also wrote about 6 cards and am going to la poste tomorrow, so I should be getting everything out in the mail in a day or two. Uhmm I had a random thought earlier and now I can't remember what it was...if I do, I will post a 'random thought' section. :)
A toute!
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Nanny Morning and a Parisian Afternoon!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Dancing Video! "The Way They Are..."
A clip I made of the 3 kids dancing...first up is Matthieu, who is ALWAYS the first one to start dancing. He hears the song he likes and yells "Laura, ca! ca!" (that one! that one!) I made a c.d. for the kids of some of my music that is 'kid friendly' with fun beats. So far, their favorite song is Gwen's "Sweet Escape", but these 3 short clips are the best I could come up with to get a fun idea of their dancing. Then it's Ines, doing the robot to the new Timbaland song, then it's Tiphaine a.k.a. Tiph Tiph....just fyi, I am behind the camera sometimes showing them funny moves for them to copy, so the camera is a little shakey. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Twinkle Twinkle BIG STAR!
a quick video from my digi cam...pas parfait...I turned the cam in the other direction, so just wait a few seconds...but it's a cool clip to demonstrate how it twinkles at night!
Hairspray on Les Champs-Elysees!
I am also going to figure out how to process my first 60 minute video tape I've made...and then see if I can get a small clip online to show everyone!
Wine til 2 a.m. and Laughs!

Friday, August 24, 2007
Ahhh the City!!
So I was thinking about the train and metro I sat there with my bags, listening to my iPod and looking at the other is a GREAT place to "people watch." And to sum up the people of Paris: for example, today, these were the people around me:
*a white teenage girl dressed in jeans and black, black 80's type fish-net gloves on her hands, dark hair and dark makeup (kind of gothic) but pink lipstick and a backpack
*a 40 some year old man in a grey suit (he was handsome, probably wearing Armani) and briefcase
*another man w/a briefcase with shirt and tie on
*a black guy, my age, in jeans and Nikes, basketball jersey and Nike hat, definitely looked like he was here from another country playing basketball or something
*a woman in her 40s, with great jewelry and defnitely French
*a black woman with an African robe on (i don't know what you'd call it, but def. African) and a great head wrap around her hair
It was great. We all kept to ourselves, but it seemed like everyone was nice if I were to talk to them! haha! I just enjoy the diversity and wondering everyone's 'story' or where they're going or where they live...or if they can tell I'm not French or that I'm American or that I have no idea what's going on here...haha.
Anyways, having a successful venture into the city was a good way to start the weekend. I will be hanging out with Kristi this weekend, we'll do fun Paris things (we still have to research and choose what we want to do/where we want to go), sleep in, workout a little, and talk to some friends back home.
Kristi is actually debating whether or not to stick with her job here...SOO everone cross your fingers and say prayers that she'll stick with it, because I think we'd be partners in crime if she stuck around!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
the sweet escape
I have tomorrow afternoon off work! Just found out...which means I have 2.5 days weekend! Very happy, as I need to catch up on some sleep, workout, and continue my exploration of the town and Paris. Amy Winehouse has cancelled her tour (doctor's orders), so I'm disappointed but at least I hadn't already bought my now Kristi and I will hang out and do fun things in Paris.
Tonight I drove w/Jerome and it went very well! And Virginie bought more baguette bread....the little things in life please will doing my Pilates in the morning, and having some better weather this weekend.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Driving in Europe
Yesterday I also met Kristi, the new au pair for a neighbor friend...and get this...Kristi is from BOISE, IDAHO!!!!!!! IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!! Weird, huh?! She is 23, just graduated from a college in Wisconsin, and arrived here 2 weeks ago. We spent all day together with the kids, and this afternoon we're taking them to an indoor pool. Kristi and I get along well and as long as she stays with the job here, we will be friends and I imagine hang out on the weekends a lot, site see, and go out. It will be really great, so I hope it works out for her!
I have a few hours free this morning, so I'm blogging early. I was really tired last night and needed to get good rest, which I did. I cleaned my apartment pretty well I think and just took some pictures so I'll send those soon. I need to journal more, and continue with my reading. This weekend I think I am going to a concert festival called "Rock en Seine". It is in St. Cloud, which is about 10 minutes away from my studio! There are 3 nights of concerts, but I want to go to Saturday, at 5:00, to see Amy Winehouse! Pretty sure that's my plan....and of course Paris, here I come!!! I'm excited for the weekend. This morning I did my Pilates dvd. I wanted to go for a job but it was raining. So I def. will keep up on my Pilates on the days I can't jog. All is well!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Yet another day...
Yesterday I talked to 2 of my best friends online, so that was exciting! I like this internet thing here for my's a good way to stay connected. And today I talked to Courtney online for a few minutes, and Judy too (Bonne Anniversaire!).
Well, other than dropping 3 eggs on the floor tonight (thus eliminating one meal for myself...ugh) and breaking a few other things (I'm still trying to get acquainted with the studio, the small kitchenette, etc), things are good here. The weather is not as nice as the beach. Limited sun, and in the 60s I think...well, this isn't an eventful blog and I want to get organized for my day tomorrow so I'm signing off. Chow!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
J'adore la studio!
Back in Paris
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Summer Review Part 2
My relationship with the family grew quickly. When I first arrived I was nervous and so unfamiliar that it affected me. About 2 weeks into our stay at the beach I was really feeling comfortable with the family, not just the 5 of them but their WHOLE family. Each day was better than the one before. Once I knew the routine for working and helping out with the kids (like how to prepare their meals, where the dishes went, where to put their belongings and at what time to do each thing)…all those elements, as simple as they sound, knowing what I was doing made life much easier and happier. I saw the grandparents respecting me more each day as they saw me working hard with the kids and doing my best to “pick everything up” quickly with the culture and language. I even formed a bond with Brigitte, Virginie’s mother. At first we did not exactly ‘click’ and I felt frustrated because I did not want any confrontations during my first month of work. However within about 10 days things sort of did a 180 and now Brigitte and I get along and enjoy each other’s company. Let me tell you, that alone made my life much easier.
By staying busy with the family, I became less ‘homesick’ and kept my thoughts from being lonely or missing people often. I do miss talking to my friends every day. I don’t get any text messages, although I can if anyone wants to get international texting on their cells. I miss that…just a quick way to communicate. I don’t get calls from my friends really, just family…so that is also difficult (not hearing from friends on the phone). I’m better when I’m so busy that by night time I’m too tired to think of the people I miss, and just want to sleep instead. (I guess this is a hint…I hope my best and closest friends will call sometime or try sending a text). I do enjoy the calls from my family. It’s fun re-capping all my French adventures to them and stories. My mom calls every night, so it’s something fun to look forward to. I’ve also received about 3 packages in the last 5 weeks. I LOVE THEM and the kids get really excited to bring the mail to me. Thanks to Mom, Dad, and Carolyn for my packages! And thanks to my sister and brothers and Grandmpa for the cards and postcards. They are so much fun. And now I have about 16 fiction novels to keep me busy for the year. Carolyn sent me 13 novels in one package! Wahoo!!! I also have enough chewing gum to last me through December I think. But keep sending the gum! It’s a lot of fun to open the mail. And the gossip columns from newspapers and magazines are always fun too. I was so secluded this summer that I had NO IDEA what all the celebrities have been up to…that was torture. But thanks to my mom, I know that Nicole Richie is pregnant, SJP has a new fragrance coming out, Mel B. aka Scary Spice is sewing Eddie Murphey, and Whoopie Goldberg is replacing Rosie on The View, etc. This is all important for me to know. Once I return to my studio apartment on Sunday I will be connected daily with the world again, thank God! I’m anxious to have internet access daily, a calling card and home phone to use along w/my cell phones, a car, my own apartment to decorate and organize, and the many sites of Paris!! I will miss the beach and the big family meals at sunset, but I am also ready to return to the modern society and start learning a new routine for life in the city. I plan to take my French class twice a week and aerobics twice a week (both starting in October).
Well, Jerome drove his new Porsche here last week, so we will return to Paris on Sunday with both cars…therefore, I’m planning on requesting to ride with him in the Porsche for an hour on the drive back to Paris. Obviously, I want to experience the car on the country roads of France!!
A bientot!
Summer Review Part 1
A typical day during my stay at Monsieur & Madame’s house:
I wake up at 7:30 to shower or get ready quickly, sometimes 8 if I was lucky
The kids wake up around 8
Petit-Dejeuner: du pain, confiture, du beurre, du lait, jus d’orange, café, yoaurt
Dress the children, brush teeth, brush hair
Play with the kids in the yard, go for a walk or start laundry
Begin prep for le dejeuner: peel the vegetables and cook, or prep for a cake or pie, or prep for a picnic
Spend a couple hours on the beach with kids, or take picnic to beach for the kids
Spend 2 hours preparing/eating le dejeuner
By 3:00 I’d get a break to take a nap (faire la cieste) or go to the poste to mail postcards or beach by myself or with Janeta (another au pair for V’s sister)
Possibly returning to the beach for a couple hours with the kids before dinner
Prep dinner, set the table
Give the kids a bath or shower, put on pajamas and Matthieu’s couche (diaper)
Dinner for kids, then adults (dinner for adults occurred between 8:30 and 10pm)
Take coffee perhaps, then a small walk
Go to bed
Some nights I’d go out with Janeta for a drink before bed
One day a week I got a “free day”…sometimes the same day as Janeta so we could spend the day together
I often went to Arcachon, 5 miles away, to use the internet café and maybe stop at the Monoprix (similar to Target but not as large) to purchase items I’d need. I usually went for a jog or slept in, and went to the beach to tan in the afternoons.
I went on Monsieur’s sailboat once, and enjoyed it. That day the wind was calm and we only went to a dune nearby, and had a picnic with the kids. I prefer Jerome’s motor boat because I don’t like the feeling of a rocking boat. Pyla and Arcachon are in a ‘bassin’ of the ocean, so it’s not the complete open sea. So there are a lot of motor boats but there are still large waves and once the wind comes the boats will rock. It is easy to go from one side of the basin to another side, however. I enjoyed a little village called “L’Herbe.” The French eat oysters, fresh and live out of the water. They are very slimey, and I had a hard time watching them eat. Haha. But L’Herbe had cute, quaint little houses right on the beach. It was adorable. Otherwise I went in Jerome’s boat a few times.
On the beach I met a guy named Julian. He worked with kids every afternoon basically at the exact spot we sat on the beach each day. I often went to this spot because it was close in walking distance from the house and Le Moulleau (the center) where there are a lot of shops, etc. Julian was really nice and we talked almost every day. He was older than me, maybe close to 30, I didn’t ask. He was very athletic looking and dressed more like an American and was very tan. I was nervous to talk to him at first because of the language barrier, but he was so easy to talk to in French and he spoke a little English as well. I looked forward to seeing him each day…haha. But nothing came of it other than making a friend at the beach.
Some meals we ate:
Lunch is the main meal of the day, so it would be like a dinner we eat in the States.
Entree: Melon (cantelope) slices, or maybe a veggie salad like slices of cucumbers and tomatoes with vinaigrette dressing
Plat: la viande (meat), like steak or chicken, or perhaps fish…with rice or cuscus maybe
Dessert: du pain avec le fromage (cheeses: brie, camembert (my personal preference), etc)…there is ALWAYS baguette bread with the meal, sometimes throughout the whole meal or just for dessert with DELICIOUS cheese, and/or:
Des fruits
Des glaces (ice cream)
Des gateau (cake or pie)
In the summer: du vin rosee (pink wine, like White Zin but better)
Or white wine with fish (vin blanc ---sec is ‘dry’ or one can have it sweet, I prefer sec)
Then always red wine for the rest of the year (I had Merdoc with Thomas, Virginie’s brother and it was tasty)
These longer, late meals are customary for the summer holiday. It is accepted that one eats a lot more during the summer and much later at night. Once we return to the city it changes. We won’t be making large meals daily as we’ll be busier with different schedules. I basically accepted the fact that I had to indulge in these long meals with wine and bread just for the summer. That I’d probably gain a few pounds (kilos) or at least not LOSE the weight I wanted to this summer. Upon our arrival back to Paris, I will eat less and have my time at night for jogging.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My "jour libre" (Free Day)
Virginie took me to the market today and asked me to pick out a necklace that I liked. She bought 2 for me in thanks for helping with Grandpere. They are really fun necklaces, and the market was amazing...stands of fresh fruit, fresh veggies, meat, confiture, and then clothes, jewelry and shoes. Last week at Ines’ birthday party I truly began to feel a connection with the family and that I care about them. I’m happy to be here now and be a part of their lives. The girls are having fun playing with me and learning new games and songs. Yesterday I taught them “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair”. It was perfect because I put flowers in our hair and sang the song slow…they could repeat it and then I translated in French…Jerome got a kick out of it. “Si tu vas a San Francisco, on doit porter des fleurs dans tes cheveux”.
Today is my "free day" so I am at the internet cafe, then stopping by the Monoprix (like a Target), and then heading to the beach where maybe I will talk to Julian, the guy I met last week but has yet to call me...haha. He works at a "gym" on the beach for kids to play, and is kind of a life'd understand if you were here. Lol. All is well! Thanks for all your messages, etc.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Mmm du pain
au revoir luv and miss everyone dont hesitate to call