Sunday, September 9, 2007


So the last couple days have been fine...nothing majorly exciting. A little blah, in fact...I guess I'm just saying this because today (Sunday), I'm feeling blah. A little homesick...just in the sense that I want to talk to some of my friends and can't really (until I find a calling card)...or they find one and call me. It'd be nice if I had a best friend here, or a boyfriend I guess...someone to go for a walk with and talk, or go for coffee with on a more regular basis. It's a little weird seeing all these pictures of everyone back home on facebook, going out at night, or just knowing that they talk every day and hang out! Haha. I know that's not what I want...I don't want to live that college-type life anymore, and that I REALLY AM happy here, and having fun being independent and seeing amazing things. My whole thought process has already changed quite drastically I think...meaning, I don't really care what others think of me. I CAN'T! doesn't matter what people in the States think of me, or how I look, or what I'm doing..because right now they don't really know a weird way, we are disconnected. And as far as Paris goes, I can't care what others think of me....for the most part, I see someone for one minute, and then they're gone...disappeared on the metro, or walk right past me, or leave the store..whatever it is, life is very fast here. Which I realize is also going to make it difficult to meet MANY people enough to become friends. Life is just fast here. So I just have to be more bold...try to make friends in my class I'll start in October, or go to a pub or cafe that I like often...etc. I think if I can just make a few good friends here, I'll be okay....and it won't be so strange seeing photos of everyone back home and thinking "wow, they're all together and I'm alone." I know this is totally worth it for me, and I'm not crying about all this...even though the last 2 days I've wanted to a little bit. At least I can start looking forward to some visits in the next few months...I think starting in December or January I'll start seeing a familiar face or two! And actually...I AM liking life here so much, I'm wondering how it'd be possible for me to stay here next year, after my job is over....part of me really wants to stay longer, so I have to start doing research. However, if I return to the states I know I will want to go to a bigger area, or one where there are sites I have not seen yet....perhaps the East coast...who knows. Maybe California though, lol. It's far enough away that I don't have to stress over decisions yet!

This morning was my last time driving with's Sunday, but I wanted to get it over with today and not have to do it after a day of all went well, until the end I guess. I feel fairly confident in getting to places...I'm sure it'll take a week to really have it down without second guessing myself. But today just toward the end of our driving session, I was caught in between a person on a bike and a car...And I tried to get around the bike, but Jerome got kind of 'mad' (not mad, but u know what I mean) that I didn't just stop and wait for the area to clear before I advanced. I HATE BIKES! I really can't stand driving with a biker next to's awful, especially on the roads here in France, which are narrow...and it wasn't like I was about to hit anyone, but I just get nervous with Jerome sitting next to me..kind of being treated like a first time driver, when I've been driving for about 6 years in the U.S.A. I guess it's the foreign country, the language that makes me feel like I'm learning how to drive all over again. Anyways...since I haven't been in the most chipper mood the last 2 days, having Jerome be kind of irritated with me made me feel like crap...and this just happened about 30 minutes ago so that's why I'm venting right now on the blog. I'm not too worried about was just an honest mistake...I'm just not used to driving on narrow roads with cars and bikes on both sides of me. And the situation makes it easier to 'freeze up'. I shouldn't be driving anymore with the parents...tomorrow is my first morning driving solo with the kids, taking them to school, etc. It'll be a little test to see if I can make everyone on time to class, etc. I'm only working a half day I should be free after lunch. I will probably go into the city tomorow afternoon just to get out of the house and see if I can meet anyone new...not sure where I'll go to.

Yesterday was a decent day...I went to SEAT DecaNation, a professional track meet at a big stadium in Paris. It was pretty cool! Like a summer Olympics track meet, with 8 different nations..the U.S.A REPRESENTED! It was pretty cool to see the U.S. team there...I took some pictures...both men and women won in different running events. I sat right behind the high jump. I had a great seat. It was PERFECT weather...70 degrees, clear skies and sunny. The crowd was a typical crowd...lots of cheering, you would have no idea you were in France. I mean it seemed just like going to a Dodger game in California or a track meet in Washington. The crowd roared everytime a French person won or competed...It was awesome to see the 1500 meter, 100 meter dash, hurdles, the Steeple, etc. A few times the Americains beat out the French teammate at the last minute. I was about the only one cheering but it was cool! After that I met Kirsty near Notre Dame. (Not KRISTY, but Kirsty) She is an au pair that lives in Versailles. She works for a friend of Virginie...she is 19 years old and from South Africa. She is white and speaks English (similar to an English accent, but it's a South African English accent, actually...) She is really sweet, and cool. We had a small dinner and then came back to Bougival where we had some wine, visited and watched a movie in my studio. So it was a good night. We will definitely keep in touch. She only lives about 10-15 minutes away by the train...but we are both busy during the week so I think we will meet up maybe a couple times a month...we'll see. she actually lives just after the first of back home and start school. SO it will be a friend to have for a few months here...and then she'll go :( But hey, maybe I could get a visit to South Africa out of it later in life?
Today I am not really doing anything...not going into Paris. I want to clean the studio, organize some things, catch up on reading and probably go for a walk later...and make a good dinner. Otherwise I'm laying low...I want to plan a little weekend trip for this I need to start researching. Either going to London or Italy probably....a friend from Delta Gamma back in Idaho is studying abroad this semester in Italy, so it'd be great to be able to stay with her for a weekend...and if I go to London I'll have to find a cheap place to stay for a night. But since London is sooo close, I think it's definitely feasible. Okay... off to start my non-eventful day.

Au revoir

1 comment:

megdg4me said...

Venting is good. These are some suggestions: are there exchange students in Paris you could meet up with, social activities, sports, church, alumni groups, health clubs for young people, volunteering, hmm...not sure what's available to you, do some research.