(I had my laptop with me--minus the internet-- so I journaled while in the Alps...here are my entries from the beginning of the week)
Day One (Sunday)
Today was my first day in the Alps. We arrived early evening on Saturday, giving us just enough time to rent our skies for the week! Let me just say this….when I woke up this morning I sat up in bed and the ALPS were staring right at me!! It is absolutely gorgeous. I don’t even know the altitude level here, but we are so high up, at the top of the mountains with beautiful snow everywhere. Our cabin is kind of tucked into a little village of cabins and we are just above the chair lift! It’s a 3 minute walk to the ski lodge and chair lift….c’est parfait! The cabin has 3 levels, with 2 apartments basically…it is modern and all furnished, and enough beds to sleep 18 people! Yep, it’s my family (The Vatins) + 2 other families and the grandparents…the exact same people from my summer at the ocean! I luckily have a double bed to myself, although it’s a pull-out couch in the downstairs apartment living room, but no one else is using the room or the kitchen so it is just fine…and luckily the temperature in the “salon” is perfect, whereas some of the bedrooms are really hot and I heard some saying they couldn’t sleep because it’s too hot.
Anyways, after waking up I got dressed in my long johns for skiing, then went upstairs to have breakfast and coffee with the family…Jerome and I decided to ski together the first morning because 1) I was a little nervous about skiing for the first time again after 5 years, and 2) I don’t know the mountains and didn’t want to get lost (although we obviously have a map of the mountains). Anyways, I got lucky enough to have sufficient clothing to keep me warm, a mixture of my clothes and borrowed ones, but it’s all good! We walked down to the ski shop where I picked up my skis and boots (Yep, we can leave our rentals in the shop and just get them when we go ski), and then got on the chair lift. The lifts we’ll be using mostly are actually the little ‘gondola boxes’, so one just walks into the box carrying the skis, snowboard, etc. That was a first for me! Anyways the ride is about 5 or 6 minutes up to the top, and boy it is beautiful. I looked often, but not too much to scare myself. When we got off and put my skis on (Jerome snowboards) I was AMAZED and breathless at the view. WOW. Once we started, it was like I had just skied yesterday. I was flawless in my skiing! Haha. It felt so good to do it, and I had no problems at all…Jerome and I went on the first 3 out of 4 levels, up to red (but not black)…so that was cool to challenge myself the very first morning…one run was filled with moguls too, and he took me on it without asking me first, knowing I could handle it. So that felt good. The weather was PERFECT….clear blue skies, sun shining, no wind, no rain or snow, and not cold. The snow had an almost perfect powder too. It was practically perfect, ideal. Our last run of the morning we took 2 different lifts all the way to the top, taking a run that lasted about 35 minutes to descend. It was great. I almost started crying as we were skiing down the ALPS…haha. I even brought my camera in my pocket and took some photos along the way.
With my schedule it works out that I’ll get to ski every morning until lunch time…which is great because that seems to be when there are less people out…around 11 a.m. more young people seem to show up on the slopes, making it a bit more difficult for me (because of my peripheral vision issue..haha). So I will try to be on the slopes every morning around 9:30 or so….and possibly take one day off, but perhaps not! The little kids take ski lessons each afternoon from 2-4:30, so I will be staying in the cabin with Virginie’s niece, Victoire, who is still a toddler and too little to ski. She will nap, giving me time to relax and read. Today when I went to pick up the kids at lessons, I HAD to take photos of Tiph, Martin and Matt…they were so adorable in their snow suits, helmets, goggles and skis…I even told the family about how I began to learn around Matt’s age by skiing in between the legs of my dad and our friend Kurt. “BILLY!”
For the most part I think the week will be nice and I’m going to enjoy this opportunity to ski in the Alps. I know I may have some sore muscles, and I may even try snowboarding one day (although I don’t think so on this trip)…even though this is a great experience, I still am missing my family back home and it is not always easy to be around 17 people that are all part of the same family, excluding me…but in general they are good about including me…sometimes the work aspect of this gets in the way though and it isn’t always the most comfortable feeling, but I’m a strong girl and if skiing in the Alps means sacrificing some of myself for the family I’m sure as hell gonna do it! I’m also looking forward to stuffing the kids’ stockings that I made, and surprising Jerome and Virginie with the 2 I just made for them on Friday…I brought mine along with me that mom sent me as well, so we will be the only 6 with stockings on Christmas morning, “mais c’est la vie!!!”
Day 2 (Monday)
It is about 2:15 pm here, and I’m alone in the cabin and Victoire is sleeping upstairs. I’ve had a pretty good day so far. After “taking the petit dejeuner” with the family, a bunch of us got ready and hit the slopes! We made an extra long haul up to the top of a different side of the mountains than yesterday, and for the first run it was myself, Virginie, Jerome, Monsieur and Madame, and Valerie and Thomas (Virginie’s brother and his wife). It was a fabulous view of the Alps, and a different one from yesterday, so of course I took more photos. Halfway down the hill Virginie and Jerome split from the group to venture off onto another side, so I continued on with the rest of the family because I had to eventually make my way down to return to the cabin to help with the kids’ lunch. My legs were definitely sore from yesterday, so I got tired quicker today, and the snow was not as powdery as yesterday, and a bit icy, but nonetheless it was still an amazing morning of skiing! The weather was again perfect and the sun shining. I finished the runs with just Valerie, and then I returned to the cabin to help Guislaine and Gille with lunch. After we fed the kids the 3 of us ate our lunch and had wine and cheese, along with good conversation. I really enjoyed visiting with them, especially Gille, who is Virginie’s brother-in-law. They live in Kenya, and he speaks English fairly fluently and didn’t hesitate to initiate the convo in English…we didn’t talk that much over the Summer vacation, so it was cool to visit with them about what I want to do in the future, and his job in Kenya with an oil company called Total. Anyways, it made me feel good to have nice conversation with the other family members, and Guislaine is also very friendly….so anyways, I’m off to make a chocolate cake for tonight and then read a new book. We are going to mass tonight at 6, and then celebrating Christmas. Tonight is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow will be a normal day of skiing.
(Later that evening)
This afternoon I made 3 apple tart pies with Madame and Monsieur…we sat around the table and peeled so many apples for about 40 minutes, and I observed exactly how easy it is to make them, so I’m excited to do it for myself some day. When the children returned home from ski school we hurriedly bathed and dressed them and then all 18 of us piled into 3 cars to go to mass down at the bottom of the mountains in a little village. The church was beautiful on the outside, but it was definitely very far from any type of Christmas Eve mass all of us are used to. The church was cold and kind of dark, there weren’t any Christmas decorations or lights, and there wasn’t any music or choir. Everyone was dressed fairly casual and all wearing our winter coats inside because of the cold. We all sang together with the priest, but it was definitely a mass in the Alps. They did however have all the children sit in the front and carry candles down the aisle. Anyways, it was fine enough and then we all returned home…and had Christmas! The children ran inside and saw that “Pere Noel” had passed through the cabin while we were gone and everyone had their own little pile of gifts…I ran downstairs and grabbed the stockings I had made for my family and put them on the stairs for the kids to find. They all enjoyed their little gifts from me, and I’m glad I made all 5 of them a stocking so hopefully they will save them for the coming years. I took pictures of the kids opening gifts. Matthieu fell asleep too early and didn’t open his gifts with the others. I even had my own little stash of gifts from the family, which was a pleasant surprise, as I knew my main gift was the entire ski trip! Virginie gave me a beautiful brown and gold necklace and 6 movie tickets for the cinemas in Paris! She also gave me a French easy recipe book and I’m so excited! Her mother gave me bracelets from India that she bought in Bordeaux. Valerie, Virginie’s sister-in-law gave me a 3 set picture frame from our village in the Alps. It’s wood and has skis and ice skates on it, so I’ll definitely use pictures from this vacation to put inside the frames. Ghuislaine, her sister, gave me a beach towel and sac from Kenya. It’s the same one the other girls in the family used this summer at the beach, so I’m excited to have the same ones. It’s really pretty. Along with these gifts I brought along my stocking that mom sent me and a few of Megan’s gifts for me…including another season of “The Golden Girls”! I can’t wait to watch! After opening gifts the children played with their new toys and we all sat around drinking champagne (including the bottle that Courtney bought last weekend for me from Champagne). We had some yummy appetizers and then sat down to eat fras gras (duck liver), which I tried, but did not particularly care to eat much. Haha. I ate a few bites with an open mind before Valerie told me what fras gras really is. It has the texture of pate, which I do not like (it makes me think of dog food). You eat it with toasted bread, like a spread. It’s definitely an acquired taste. I didn’t hate it, but did not have the desire to finish my helping. I’m glad I tried it though! Then we had some salmon, and then ate the apple tarts that I’d made! Everyone was having fun visiting and drinking, so it was a good way to spend Christmas Eve.
Day 3 (Tuesday)
Christmas day! But it does not feel like it at all to me. Since we did Christmas last night, no one has even said “Joyeux Noel” or anything like that today. It’s a little odd to me, but that’s okay. We are just doing the regular ski routine today. I just went for one run this morning because the second I put my boots on my shins were ACHING! I have never felt this kind of pain before on my bones. It definitely is not regular muscle aches from skiing, as I’ve had that before obviously. It feels like my bones are bruised and I think it must be from the boots I’m wearing. Anyways, I went up on the chair lift with Ghuislaine, Gille and Valerie, but I didn’t even go all the way to the top with them because I knew I was going to have difficulty getting down the slope. It hurt the entire way and I almost thought I was going to either vomit from the pain or just burst into tears. I was close to just sliding on my bottom to finish the run, but I toughed through it and got to the bottom okay. I returned my skis and boots after just the one run, but oh well. I didn’t sleep so well last night and I’m keen to just relax today anyway. Tomorrow I will try different socks and possibly a new set of boots and hope that is better. My legs feel okay otherwise, but if I force pressure on my shins or put the boots on the pain is almost unbearable, so I think I’m definitely bruising and need new boots. Since it’s Christmas day I’d like to watch one of my holiday movies that I brought, and maybe read a story to the kids later. I’m going to read my new John Grisham book that Carolyn and my dad gave me, The Innocent Man. I like it so far! The weather is still perfect here, so that’s really nice. I’d kind of like to go ice skating, but I don’t think it’s near our side of the mountain and may not be convenient to go…if not I’ll go when I’m back in Paris. I think I’ll be ready to return for sure by Saturday!
Friday, Dec. 28, 2007 (last day)
It’s almost 9pm here, and I’m ready for bed. It’s been a good, but kind of long week. And now today everyone except for 3 of us are sick…probably the flu. Soo clearly it is time for us to depart and get home. I skied every morning except today, and each day the weather was great. Last night I did not sleep well at all, so I tried sleeping this morning and just stayed inside all day. I got to take a nap this afternoon too so that was nice. My skiing was okay, but I started feeling less confident in my skiing ability, at least when I went down the icy runs. So I didn’t get too extreme with my skiing, but that’s okay. Yesterday I did 2 runs on my own. A couple afternoons I was in the cabin with just the grandparents, and I helped Madame make apple pies, and today we played with little Victoria. The kids skied every day and Wednesday we took the two 6 year olds (Ines and Blandine) down a green run. Ines is a great little skier (she reminds me of myself, haha). I had fun singing Christmas songs with the kids, and I hung out with the older cousins a few times. We watched episodes of “Prison Break” on their new DVDs they got. I watched the first 6 episodes from Season 1, and now I’m HOOKED and have to find a way to see the rest when I’m back in Bougival.
The brother and his family all left today, so now I’m alone in the downstairs apartment for the evening, which is fine with me. I helped all day with the kids, and since almost everyone is sick, I was ready to get downstairs and take a hot bath. Yes, a BATH! This week I’ve taken my first baths in 6 months! Haha. No bath in Bougival in my studio. Tomorrow we’ll get up fairly early to pack everything into the car and clean the cabin. Then we’re back to the city. I’ll arrive in the evening and can’t wait to get home. I have some visitors this week, and am seeing “The Nutcracker” on Christmas Eve at the Opera so I’m excited to have another holiday, and start the New Year. This week was pleasant, and I’m very appreciative of all the family does for me. I’m glad I came and skied in the Alps! But now I’m ready to get back and start the next phase of this job (meaning COMPANY FROM THE STATES!)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Adventures with C Dawg
I know it's been awhile since my last
blog, but I have been SUPER busy, thus making me extra tired with little time to do my online journal. Anyways, my friend Courtney Brown from UCR and San Diego came to visit me for an entire week! She just left this morning, and we had a great time. Thus, this is my first opportunity to blog all about it!
We spent the first evening on the Champs Elysees looking at the lights, followed by drinks at my favorite cafe near the Arc de Triomphe. We visited for a few hours and really got caught up on our personal lives! It was super nice to visit and go out. Friday morning she came with me to Tiphaine's class to see how teaching English goes for me....she loved seeing the little French children and sang Christmas songs with us. Then she did lunch time duties with me, helping feed the kids, etc. She introduced herself to the family and spoke in some French (she studied it quite a bit back in high school) so they were pleasantly surprised to communicated with her in French. She enjoyed seeing some of the family culture. This was her 3rd time in Paris, so she welcomed these new experiences as opposed to touristy stuff.
Friday night we took the train to Bordeaux! Oh boy...we had some crazy stuff happen to us (got on the wrong section of the train...not realizing there were 2 trains CONNECTED until we tried to get to our car and we could walk no further...then later switched cars when the train made a 2 minute stop..and THANK GOD because when we got to Bordeaux we saw that the 2 trains had disconnected, thus we could have ended up in the wrong city if we had stayed in the first car!)...I lost some gloves on the train, had to carry a ridiculous bag full of kids' ski clothes to deliver to Virginie's sister, and the worst of all was that I BROKE the house key to Virginie's parents' house at 2 IN THE MORNING! We were locked out and I was freaking out....long story and reasons behind why I was so worried, but luckily it all worked out, Madame woke up and opened the door (clearly irritated with me), but all was well the next morning and they fixed their door....
Courtney and I decided to get a hotel the 2nd night so we could be nearer the center of town. We wine tasted at a great winery and had our personal teacher...it was great. Amazing red wine from Bordeaux!
I bought a bottle for very little Euro, and she splurged on an expensive bottle. Then we went to Tours and visited 3 chateaus! It was great...Chenonceau being the most beautiful...then we saw Leonardo da Vinci's house/chateau...it was beautiful and very cool to go inside. I had no idea he was such an inventor also! He invented sooo many things, including the life saver ring floaty thing! haha
I'm giving the short version of this vacation because I'm exhausted, but I wanted to blog quickly about the trip....it was cold, but we had a great time and I'm so glad we wine tasted in Bordeaux and saw wonderful chateaus in Tours...and Tours is only an hour from Paris so I'd love to go again with friends and maybe go to Vouvray to wine taste!
Courtney went to Epernay one day and tasted champagne all day! She even bought me a bottle of Champagne, so that was super nice. I had to work a little that day so I stayed home. We did a little shopping (or I accompanied her)...we also went to some great wine bars and a piano bar in Paris and I discovered a great new street near the Louvre, so that is always good!
She ended up staying one extra day, so she saw a Christian Lacroix exhibit in Paris while I worked, and then we went to a movie together at La Defense just to relax for her last night here...we saw "I Am Legend" with Will Smith. GOOD BUT REALLY BIZAREE and scary....cool plot though.
Okay, I will try to blog one more time tomorrow......with more details. THEN I'M OFF TO THE ALPS! Saturday morning we leave super early for a long car drive...and will be there for one week, returning the next Saturday. I will get to ski a couple days, and go sledding w/the little kids and just hang out in the cabin (17 family members including me staying there)...so I'm just looking at this as a ski vacation and not thinking about Christmas because I know they don't celebrate it a lot like I do, and to avoid getting sad on Christmas day I'm just trying to not think of it and instead just see it as a week long vacay with snow...I will take lots of pics, promise! Apparently there is the longest ski run in Europe at the mountain we're going to....10 miles long, and takes 90 minutes to descend...hmm I'll give it a try hopefully!
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's Christmas time in the city!

Hi everyone. It's Tuesday evening here and I just returned from Paris (I had the afternoon off work). I got off the metro at Hotel de Ville, where there is a big ice skating rink just in front of the beautiful building! It was soo pretty, and I arrived after it turned dark so it was great. Raining, yes, but just fine for taking pictures and seeing all the lights and some people skating. I went there to find out the deal w/skating, and it looks like I can go for 5 Euro! So, that is on my to-do list before Christmas. Then I just walked down the block to see Notre Dame all lit up. It was sooo pretty! The cathedral at night is pretty anyways when it's lit up, but there is now a BIG Christmas tree in the front w/gold lights and red ornament balls. I arrived just as the bells were ringing too. I got great pictures, and even more of the Seine River w/pretty lights on the surrounding buildings. I was only in the city for about 2 hours, but it was a nice evening just to get out of Bougival.
Kirsty left last Thursday :( We saw each other Wednesday to say bye and hang out for a bit...it was nice, and I'm going to miss her! I spent Saturday being productive in my studio, and then got kind of fancied up and went into Paris with Ashley and Mathieu. He had a 'crepe party' at his new little studio apartment next to the Bastille with just a few friends. Then we went out to a couple bars and ended up at dance club with TECHNO music. THAT WAS A FIRST....let's just say that is NOT dance-able music for me...haha. But we were out til almost 3...then crashed at his apartment and I caught the 6:30 a.m. train back to Bougival. That was my first time staying out in Paris all night...it was fun, but not like a huge BLAST, but that's okay. So I spent most of my Sunday sleeping and being totally lazy.
My friend from San Diego, Courtney, arrives on Thursday! We've been emailing plans back and forth...and as long as THE NEW TRANSPORTATION STRIKE ends on time, we've made plans to take a train to Bordeaux for the weekend to wine taste. So let's just hope the trains will go. How lame. Otherwise we are going to just hang out in Paris. Definitely ice skating I think. It's supposed to get pretty cold this week, but as long as it's not raining I can handle it.
I've gotten 4 boxes of christmas gifts! Thanks to everyone! I've found out that the family here does not do Christmas at all like I'm used to, so it looks as though I will be opening some of my gifts on my own before we leave for the holiday, and maybe some after too. But I'll try to get Ashley to watch a Christmas movie with me and open my gifts with me or something. I'm sure I'll cry a little on the big day, just because it's hard not having a traditional Christmas with my own family...but I'll survive. It WILL be my first time back on the ski slopes in probably almost 5 years! So I can't complain about that...and on the Alps!
One last thing....I am going to see "The Nutcracker" ballet at the Paris Opera de Bastille!!!!! Yep, this little "mouse" and "party girl" is finally going to see it professionally and in PARIS!! New Years Eve exactly...I'll go to the opera to start my evening, then off to the Champs Elysees to party and see the fireworks from the Eiffel tower. (apparently I'm their first au pair that doesn't have to work on New Years Eve, so I get to benefit from the big night in the city!)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Madeleine at Christmas
Well, we are starting to prepare for Christmas (actually I have been in Xmas mode since Strasbourg). Despite developing a cold (sick once a month now?), I am getting in the holiday mood and excited to introduce some of our American and Kluss/Hull traditions to the French family. And to top it off, I've received 4 packages already in the mail! 3 from my mother and 1 from my sister, plus Ive been told to expect at least 2 more! Inside one there was some silver star garland, so I've already hung that in my studio along with the stocking my mom sent me!! It was a great surprise. THe rest of the gifts are wrapped so Ive stashed the boxes under my table to wait for the big day.
Tonight I am babysitting and just read the Madeleine Christmas story to the kids. Tiphaine loves my Madeleine books, and today I found 2 cute little French Xmas stories so I had to buy them as souvenirs I will keep for myself and children and read to them in French. Anyways when I read the Night BEfore Christmas in French it was really cute...after reading the page when the dad hears a clatter on the rooftop and he looks out the window to see what was the matter, Tiphaine looked at me and said "C'est qui, Laura?" Who is it? I said; "I dont know; who do u think?" and she said in a cute little curious voice; " Je crois que c'est Pere Noel!" I believe its Santa Claus! The look on her face was priceless and she really wasnt sure! hehe. A cute memory, and those I am cherishing because there are a lot of difficult times with the job and life away from home, so I just have to keep this all in perspective and enjoy the good memories with the kids and family.
Tomorrow the kids dont have school so we are going to make some Christmas decorations and put ornaments on the tree. I should have the afternoon free so I will go into Paris and maybe see the Christmas market. I also want to find the ice skating rinks! Courtney B from San Diego (sister from UCR) arrives next Thursday and we are going wine tasting in Bordeaux, then hopefully seeing the Nutcracker ballet at the Opera in Paris!!!
I love you all and wish you a happy holiday month, and say a prayer my cold goes away and that I can be healthy for Christmas!
Tonight I am babysitting and just read the Madeleine Christmas story to the kids. Tiphaine loves my Madeleine books, and today I found 2 cute little French Xmas stories so I had to buy them as souvenirs I will keep for myself and children and read to them in French. Anyways when I read the Night BEfore Christmas in French it was really cute...after reading the page when the dad hears a clatter on the rooftop and he looks out the window to see what was the matter, Tiphaine looked at me and said "C'est qui, Laura?" Who is it? I said; "I dont know; who do u think?" and she said in a cute little curious voice; " Je crois que c'est Pere Noel!" I believe its Santa Claus! The look on her face was priceless and she really wasnt sure! hehe. A cute memory, and those I am cherishing because there are a lot of difficult times with the job and life away from home, so I just have to keep this all in perspective and enjoy the good memories with the kids and family.
Tomorrow the kids dont have school so we are going to make some Christmas decorations and put ornaments on the tree. I should have the afternoon free so I will go into Paris and maybe see the Christmas market. I also want to find the ice skating rinks! Courtney B from San Diego (sister from UCR) arrives next Thursday and we are going wine tasting in Bordeaux, then hopefully seeing the Nutcracker ballet at the Opera in Paris!!!
I love you all and wish you a happy holiday month, and say a prayer my cold goes away and that I can be healthy for Christmas!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Strasbourg cont....

(sorry, have to continue in a new entry)
We finished our tour by stopping in a GREAT little town where we went to a cellar and had a private wine tasting. First we had a sparkling wine (but not called Champagne because it's made in Alsace!), then a Riesling, then Pinot Gris, then something I can't even remember. We were drinking wine made from the vineyards we had just driven through! that was really neat. So we each bought a bottle (they bought 4, I bought one)...they were NOT expensive, and I decided to save mine for when I have company from the States 'next year!'
The last day before catching my train I did some small gift shopping for Christmas, tried the vin chaud, went to le Petit France and took great photos, saw the Alsace Museum and kept on walking! I really enjoyed seeing a totally different life in France, a different city (which I could see myself living in, or at LEAST returning in the Spring when it's not sooo cold, and even going back years later for the Christmas markets to buy nice decorations for my house). I would really like to go for a longer period of time, as I didn't see everything I wanted. Strasbourg is also a big city in France government wise....lots of brand new MASSIVE buildings built along the canals for various important government, museum, media and buisnesses. Anyways...I will post photos soon.
There were also some fun street entertainers, like Charlie Chaplin and musicians that entertained the big crowds. The square was full of families, couples, so it was a little lonely doing it all alone, but that's okay. At least I DID it, another thing to add to my list and am happy I went through with it. I'm learning a lot about travelling, through trial and error...haha.
Back to the grind in Paris. Getting ready for Christmas, busy with the kids (who have been ill and making my job much more difficult, but still cute as ever). I am going day by day, sometimes harder than others....but I am looking forward to my friend from UCR who is coming on Dec. 13th and we will travel that weekend, then to the Alps for Xmas, then friends from Idaho arriving just after the New Year. So I am just focusing on those good things, even when work is tough on me...as long as I'm healthy, that's all that is REALLY important, right? The rest I can handle and get through. Sometimes it's hard being here, especially during the holidays, as I'm missing my family and friends, but I know this is a big life experience for me and I'm doing some great things...so just one day at a time, stay healthy, and the rest I take as it comes!
Frolicking in Strasbourg
Hi everyone. I spent the weekend in Strasbourg, France (which has gone in between Germany and France for YEARS, but is currently a part of France). It's in the Alsace region (just search for this online, and you'll recognize right away some of the famous characters, clothing, etc). Strasbourg, as well as the smaller towns and villages nearby felt like entering into a 'land' in Disneyland, NO JOKE. It was great. Every year there is a big Marche de Noel (Chrstimas market) in the Alsace region, a few in every town. It is overwhelming. The whole town is decorated for Christmas starting around Thanksgiving time, so I had great timing. Lights and Santas and wreaths are everywhere, and the markets are filled for blocks with vendors selling gingerbread, other breads, cookies, (and i mean A LOT, LIKE COSTCO STYLE STOCK UP FOR THE WINTER/GIFTS), ornaments, holiday decorations, jewelery, gifts. It is also known for its 'choucroute' (sauerkraut), and 'vin chaud' (hot wine). The hot wine was great. I even bought some postcards w/the vin chaud recipe on it. The market I was at most was right underneat the Notre Dame cathedral in Strasbourg. It was a gorgeous cathedral, and one day I ascented to the top (VERY HIGH)...I lost my breath climbing it and also got dizzy on the top (fear of heights) but was there long enough to see the great view and take pics of the city. There is also an astronomical clock inside that rings every day at 12:30 and the apostles circle the crucifix, etc. I went and saw that Sunday (and took video of it, and pics). While in the city I walked A LOT, and saw the Alsace museum, Le Petit France (a great little neighborhood), went on the boat tour around the canals (similar to the Seine, but the Ill and Rhine Rivers), and just learned a lot about the history of the area. The architecture is AMAZING and so adorable, some buildings dating back to the 14th century. I even went inside a prison and saw a bridge where people were tortured (mainly women for being prostitutes). I took TONS of pictures of the city, and also video. So much of the city was built to accomodate for war conditions.
The best part of the weekend was the private, all inclusive bus tour I took just outside the city through the wine route, small villages and up to the chateau Haut-Koenigsbourg. I decided since I was alone and the weather wasn't ideal to wander around the city all day, I'd take this tour. It was just myself and 2 other women from New York in a small bus/van with the French driver. He was really friendly and spoke in both languages. We went to some of the small villages and saw towns that weren't destroyed during the wars, some houses still standing from the 14th and 15th centuries! We drove through the wine route and saw the vineyards just alongside the car. They went forever, and even up into the hills! It was really great. From the car we saw several chateaus (castles) up in the hills, it was spectacular. They were built ages ago to protect the valleys below and 'guard' the valleys during the wars. The weather wasn't ideal for great views or pictures, but I did my best and got a few good ones. I also took video during the drive and up in the chateau. I could see the MASSIVE Koenigsbourg from down below, then we made the ascent up the mountain (approx 6,000 feet above), like going to the ski hills. When we got there the driver gave us our admission tickets and the 3 of us took the 45 minute walk through the castle. I took video while one of the women read the guide and led us through. It was crazy, this castle was very mid-evil almost...NOT luxurious like Versailles. Clearly designed by men, we didn't think women even lived here. It was also kind of cold, with windows almost facing walls so sunlight wouldn't have been optimal. There were stoves throughout the castle though. So much of it was just walls, so a fortress for the war. Looking out the windows were hills and cliffs and terrain, I could IMAGINE a war occuring here, and why they built the castles at the very top, to see everything going on below. The only 'luxurious' room was the dining room. Throughout each room there were religious tones (even the 'host' as ornaments on the trees), crosses, a chapel, and then also lots of hunting tones too. We meandered through each room, and walked carefully up all the winding staircases. It was really cool to at least go there. Looking at pictures of the chateau I can see that the 'best' photo is taken from an aerial view from the helicopter, as it's almost impossible to get a great picture because it's soooo big and so high.
The best part of the weekend was the private, all inclusive bus tour I took just outside the city through the wine route, small villages and up to the chateau Haut-Koenigsbourg. I decided since I was alone and the weather wasn't ideal to wander around the city all day, I'd take this tour. It was just myself and 2 other women from New York in a small bus/van with the French driver. He was really friendly and spoke in both languages. We went to some of the small villages and saw towns that weren't destroyed during the wars, some houses still standing from the 14th and 15th centuries! We drove through the wine route and saw the vineyards just alongside the car. They went forever, and even up into the hills! It was really great. From the car we saw several chateaus (castles) up in the hills, it was spectacular. They were built ages ago to protect the valleys below and 'guard' the valleys during the wars. The weather wasn't ideal for great views or pictures, but I did my best and got a few good ones. I also took video during the drive and up in the chateau. I could see the MASSIVE Koenigsbourg from down below, then we made the ascent up the mountain (approx 6,000 feet above), like going to the ski hills. When we got there the driver gave us our admission tickets and the 3 of us took the 45 minute walk through the castle. I took video while one of the women read the guide and led us through. It was crazy, this castle was very mid-evil almost...NOT luxurious like Versailles. Clearly designed by men, we didn't think women even lived here. It was also kind of cold, with windows almost facing walls so sunlight wouldn't have been optimal. There were stoves throughout the castle though. So much of it was just walls, so a fortress for the war. Looking out the windows were hills and cliffs and terrain, I could IMAGINE a war occuring here, and why they built the castles at the very top, to see everything going on below. The only 'luxurious' room was the dining room. Throughout each room there were religious tones (even the 'host' as ornaments on the trees), crosses, a chapel, and then also lots of hunting tones too. We meandered through each room, and walked carefully up all the winding staircases. It was really cool to at least go there. Looking at pictures of the chateau I can see that the 'best' photo is taken from an aerial view from the helicopter, as it's almost impossible to get a great picture because it's soooo big and so high.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving blog: A big succes + "French Pecan Casserole"
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back home (although a day late)! Wow, what an experience I (we, Ashley too) had! The night before we prepared 3 beautiful pies…then I was up at Ashley’s house at 7 a.m. before work started simply to clean (elbows deep) the turkey, and prepare the stuffing. Our only work obligations were to take the children to school in the morning and lunch time. So after dropping them off at school we returned to Beatrice’s house (where Ashley works) to stuff the turkey. I have never done this before, and the turkey was 13 KILOS, a.k.a approximately 28 pounds! It was massive. We ordered it from the butcher and when Ashley went to pick it up she said they were burning off the feathers and getting ready to gut off the head! WOW. Anywho….needless to say, buying a turkey in France is not like walking into Albertsons in the States and buying a seran wrapped turkey.
We worked vigorously for an hour, putting the turkey in at 10:45 a.m. and continuing to prepare the rest of the dishes. For some reason, I was not feeling well at all during the day, and had ZERO apetite, so that was not fun….but I did my best to stay enthusiastic. Ashley got the kids from school while I continued cooking and making the kids’ lunch. Once we took them back to school it was basically a chaotic afternoon and evening. I brought 3 dishes over to my house to put in the oven (since the 28 lb turkey was in her oven). After a failed attempt once at my Grandma’s sweet potatoes, I decided to try it one more time, so we bought a few more potatoes and I used a bit different technique, and the 7 big ones I made came out well (at least to the eye). Side note: EVERYTHING we made looked yummy, but we had NO IDEA how any of it was going to taste until it was time for everyone to bite into the dinner. Because all the dishes are perfectly displayed, etc, that you can’t bite into it for a taste test, because it’d ruin the presentation! We also found ourselves being chemists in the kitchen….because in France there are ingredients that do NOT exist. Such as: brown suger, corn syrup both light and dark…and these were essential ingredients for the pies…so we had to produce a simple sugar by boiling it over the stove, etc. We looked up substitutions on the internet and COULD HAVE used molasses as a substitute for brown sugar but that doesn’t even exist in France…haha. So…not only was it our first time ever hosting and making Thanksgiving dinner, but it was in a foreign country where ingredients don’t even exist!
So at my house I made the potatoes, another dish of extra stuffing and the green bean casserole. ANOTHER obstacle I had was the ovens here….taking a burned dish to realize that the oven is set to Celsius degrees, and not Farenheit…so once again being resourceful, I looked up the conversion rates of degrees on the internet, and found out that when my recipes say 350 degrees, it is REALLY 180 degrees on the ovens here…and of course every oven is different, so it was really a trial every time we put something in the oven, if it would come out perfect or a bit crispier than wanted. Ashley and I took about a 90 minute break to be alone, relax, shower and get all dressed up for the evening. Neither of us have slept much in the last 3 nights, so I was exhausted, didn’t feel very well, plus overwhelmed with the meal. When I returned to Beatrice’s house it was really fun the rest of the night! We decorated the dining room and it looked gorgeous! Ashley found some table clothes that looked really nice, and we used candles and fall colored berries and flowers. I found the idea to use little pears as place settings. I stuck a toothpick in each pear and taped a small strip of paper with everyone’s name on it. The kids had little turkey place settings that I made a few days ago. They sat at the bar just next to the dinner table. Beatrice’s kitchen was wonderful for cooking and setting out the food, and it was nice to be able to have the kids at their own table. She has a great kitchen, perfect for preparing a lot of food and entertaining. She was even running around helping us clean up and set everything out. She let us use her fine china and wine glasses and she even sneaked away to put on her pretty black cocktail dress so she was dressed up like Ashley and I. It was really fun. Then she got her American flag and hung it outside the balcony in front of the house! It was really cool. The family was very enthusiastic about celebrating the American holiday. Beatrice’s 2 little girls even dressed up in little cowgirl costumes! Then my family arrived and everyone (16 people) gathered into the kitchen to watch Ashley carve the turkey. Oh man…we were so curious/worried how it was going to turn out because it was a big debate all day long how long we’d keep it in the oven (28 lbs, no thermometer in France, + the temperature difference in the oven). But it was PARFAIT!!! Beatrice’s mother was right next to Ashley to inspect the turkey and her word was final, “C’est bon, c’est parfait, c’est impeccable!” And she was sooo right. The turkey was amazing! The meat was just perfect, not too dry or too moist, just the right white and yummy brown meat too. And all the adults agreed it was cooked just right and could not have been taken out of the oven at a better moment. So, I won’t lie, it was by pure accident that our turkey came out as well as it did! Haha. Ashley and I were sooo excited, especially seeing everyone’s reaction to our turkey. Before eating, we took some photos and then Ashley and I told the Thanksgiving story, both in English and French. We fed the kids first (well actually the parents did since we were hosts and officially not working, ha). The kids mostly ate the turkey and mashed potatoes, along with some corn, and the sweet potatoes. Later they all shared a big plate with pieces from the 3 pies. The adults ate just after, and I explained to them that there are not ‘courses’ during Thanksgiving really, that we all just pass the food around and pile anything we want on our plates at one time. It was funny to see everyone up at the buffet/bar picking and choosing their food, eating American style and not like what they’re used to. It was also cool to have them all asking me what each dish was, what was inside, etc. I saw LOTS of smiles and that felt good. Jerome and Virginie were ‘open minded’ and tried everything I think. The grandmother liked trying everything too, and that was great coming from an older woman who has cooked for a long time and never had a Thanksgiving dinner before. We had fun conversations, and Ashley, Kirsty and I randomly broke into song….Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz. The ‘vibe’ at dinner was a lot different than during a French meal. It was a bit more relaxed and loud, since everyone could walk up to the bar and take any food they wanted, at any time…I even saw them hesitate at first and then I said “No, go ahead! No courses tonight, just eat as you like!” And several conversations circulated around the table throughout the dinner. It was a bit fast in the sense that we didn’t eat until 8:30 pm because of everyone working that day, and last minute preparations…and then the little kids were getting cranky and tired, so that was a bit unfortunate. It wasn’t like eating at 3 pm, taking time, hanging out for hours afterwards and eating more pie at 9 pm. Haha. So it was a LONG 2 days ending with a 2 hour dinner and then everyone off to bed. But we had a good time, and got lots of compliments. There are lots of leftovers of course too. As far as the meal goes, the turkey tasted great, the sweet potatoes were not AS good as my grandma’s but tasted good and everyone liked them, the green bean casserole and waldorf salad were yummy, cran salad and baked brie w/pecans yummy too. The stuffing was very good too, not perfect but had a good flavor. The apple pie was definitely the BEST of the 3 pies. It was the pies that only had a slightly different flavor or texture to it…because of the substitution of ingredients. The pumpkin pie tasted as it should but was a bit more flimsy and less thick and firm inside (noticeable only when you cut the slices). The pecan pie looked amazing, and actually tasted amazing too, it was just that when we cut it, it didn’t come out in well defined pieces. Haha. So Ashley and I came up with the new name, “French Pecan Casserole”. Everyone loved the desserts though, and we think Joe (Beatrice’s husband) ate it all by this morning (the day after) for breakfast!
So, I know this blog is really long, but I just wanted to write this all out, more so for myself so that I will always remember my first Thanksgiving in France, first time doing it myself, and the French families’ first Thanksgiving EVER! I missed my family, and the day definitely got frustrating for me at times, and when my parents called I felt bummed out at first….but then once we started the festivities and after seeing how gorgeous our food and table was, I felt better. Ashley and I worked our butts off! And I WILL SAY, that Ashley knew more about preparing the turkey and some of the dishes, more than I did. And I told her that obviously! She should take more credit than me, but she told me that she would not have been organized enough to pull it off, and so the 2 of us made a great team. We planned this weeks in advance, and no matter how prepared we thought we were, I was still taking trips to the grocery store even the DAY OF…haha. But oh well, now I have a new appreciation for my mother and grandmother and aunts! And it was good to have a friend to do it with, because the next time I host the holiday I will have a VERY GOOD IDEA of how to make it work! She and I both got teary eyed a bit during the meal, but it was just bitter sweet. I missed my family and the whole ambiance of the day in America…but I am proud of how it turned out!
We worked vigorously for an hour, putting the turkey in at 10:45 a.m. and continuing to prepare the rest of the dishes. For some reason, I was not feeling well at all during the day, and had ZERO apetite, so that was not fun….but I did my best to stay enthusiastic. Ashley got the kids from school while I continued cooking and making the kids’ lunch. Once we took them back to school it was basically a chaotic afternoon and evening. I brought 3 dishes over to my house to put in the oven (since the 28 lb turkey was in her oven). After a failed attempt once at my Grandma’s sweet potatoes, I decided to try it one more time, so we bought a few more potatoes and I used a bit different technique, and the 7 big ones I made came out well (at least to the eye). Side note: EVERYTHING we made looked yummy, but we had NO IDEA how any of it was going to taste until it was time for everyone to bite into the dinner. Because all the dishes are perfectly displayed, etc, that you can’t bite into it for a taste test, because it’d ruin the presentation! We also found ourselves being chemists in the kitchen….because in France there are ingredients that do NOT exist. Such as: brown suger, corn syrup both light and dark…and these were essential ingredients for the pies…so we had to produce a simple sugar by boiling it over the stove, etc. We looked up substitutions on the internet and COULD HAVE used molasses as a substitute for brown sugar but that doesn’t even exist in France…haha. So…not only was it our first time ever hosting and making Thanksgiving dinner, but it was in a foreign country where ingredients don’t even exist!
So at my house I made the potatoes, another dish of extra stuffing and the green bean casserole. ANOTHER obstacle I had was the ovens here….taking a burned dish to realize that the oven is set to Celsius degrees, and not Farenheit…so once again being resourceful, I looked up the conversion rates of degrees on the internet, and found out that when my recipes say 350 degrees, it is REALLY 180 degrees on the ovens here…and of course every oven is different, so it was really a trial every time we put something in the oven, if it would come out perfect or a bit crispier than wanted. Ashley and I took about a 90 minute break to be alone, relax, shower and get all dressed up for the evening. Neither of us have slept much in the last 3 nights, so I was exhausted, didn’t feel very well, plus overwhelmed with the meal. When I returned to Beatrice’s house it was really fun the rest of the night! We decorated the dining room and it looked gorgeous! Ashley found some table clothes that looked really nice, and we used candles and fall colored berries and flowers. I found the idea to use little pears as place settings. I stuck a toothpick in each pear and taped a small strip of paper with everyone’s name on it. The kids had little turkey place settings that I made a few days ago. They sat at the bar just next to the dinner table. Beatrice’s kitchen was wonderful for cooking and setting out the food, and it was nice to be able to have the kids at their own table. She has a great kitchen, perfect for preparing a lot of food and entertaining. She was even running around helping us clean up and set everything out. She let us use her fine china and wine glasses and she even sneaked away to put on her pretty black cocktail dress so she was dressed up like Ashley and I. It was really fun. Then she got her American flag and hung it outside the balcony in front of the house! It was really cool. The family was very enthusiastic about celebrating the American holiday. Beatrice’s 2 little girls even dressed up in little cowgirl costumes! Then my family arrived and everyone (16 people) gathered into the kitchen to watch Ashley carve the turkey. Oh man…we were so curious/worried how it was going to turn out because it was a big debate all day long how long we’d keep it in the oven (28 lbs, no thermometer in France, + the temperature difference in the oven). But it was PARFAIT!!! Beatrice’s mother was right next to Ashley to inspect the turkey and her word was final, “C’est bon, c’est parfait, c’est impeccable!” And she was sooo right. The turkey was amazing! The meat was just perfect, not too dry or too moist, just the right white and yummy brown meat too. And all the adults agreed it was cooked just right and could not have been taken out of the oven at a better moment. So, I won’t lie, it was by pure accident that our turkey came out as well as it did! Haha. Ashley and I were sooo excited, especially seeing everyone’s reaction to our turkey. Before eating, we took some photos and then Ashley and I told the Thanksgiving story, both in English and French. We fed the kids first (well actually the parents did since we were hosts and officially not working, ha). The kids mostly ate the turkey and mashed potatoes, along with some corn, and the sweet potatoes. Later they all shared a big plate with pieces from the 3 pies. The adults ate just after, and I explained to them that there are not ‘courses’ during Thanksgiving really, that we all just pass the food around and pile anything we want on our plates at one time. It was funny to see everyone up at the buffet/bar picking and choosing their food, eating American style and not like what they’re used to. It was also cool to have them all asking me what each dish was, what was inside, etc. I saw LOTS of smiles and that felt good. Jerome and Virginie were ‘open minded’ and tried everything I think. The grandmother liked trying everything too, and that was great coming from an older woman who has cooked for a long time and never had a Thanksgiving dinner before. We had fun conversations, and Ashley, Kirsty and I randomly broke into song….Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music and Wizard of Oz. The ‘vibe’ at dinner was a lot different than during a French meal. It was a bit more relaxed and loud, since everyone could walk up to the bar and take any food they wanted, at any time…I even saw them hesitate at first and then I said “No, go ahead! No courses tonight, just eat as you like!” And several conversations circulated around the table throughout the dinner. It was a bit fast in the sense that we didn’t eat until 8:30 pm because of everyone working that day, and last minute preparations…and then the little kids were getting cranky and tired, so that was a bit unfortunate. It wasn’t like eating at 3 pm, taking time, hanging out for hours afterwards and eating more pie at 9 pm. Haha. So it was a LONG 2 days ending with a 2 hour dinner and then everyone off to bed. But we had a good time, and got lots of compliments. There are lots of leftovers of course too. As far as the meal goes, the turkey tasted great, the sweet potatoes were not AS good as my grandma’s but tasted good and everyone liked them, the green bean casserole and waldorf salad were yummy, cran salad and baked brie w/pecans yummy too. The stuffing was very good too, not perfect but had a good flavor. The apple pie was definitely the BEST of the 3 pies. It was the pies that only had a slightly different flavor or texture to it…because of the substitution of ingredients. The pumpkin pie tasted as it should but was a bit more flimsy and less thick and firm inside (noticeable only when you cut the slices). The pecan pie looked amazing, and actually tasted amazing too, it was just that when we cut it, it didn’t come out in well defined pieces. Haha. So Ashley and I came up with the new name, “French Pecan Casserole”. Everyone loved the desserts though, and we think Joe (Beatrice’s husband) ate it all by this morning (the day after) for breakfast!
So, I know this blog is really long, but I just wanted to write this all out, more so for myself so that I will always remember my first Thanksgiving in France, first time doing it myself, and the French families’ first Thanksgiving EVER! I missed my family, and the day definitely got frustrating for me at times, and when my parents called I felt bummed out at first….but then once we started the festivities and after seeing how gorgeous our food and table was, I felt better. Ashley and I worked our butts off! And I WILL SAY, that Ashley knew more about preparing the turkey and some of the dishes, more than I did. And I told her that obviously! She should take more credit than me, but she told me that she would not have been organized enough to pull it off, and so the 2 of us made a great team. We planned this weeks in advance, and no matter how prepared we thought we were, I was still taking trips to the grocery store even the DAY OF…haha. But oh well, now I have a new appreciation for my mother and grandmother and aunts! And it was good to have a friend to do it with, because the next time I host the holiday I will have a VERY GOOD IDEA of how to make it work! She and I both got teary eyed a bit during the meal, but it was just bitter sweet. I missed my family and the whole ambiance of the day in America…but I am proud of how it turned out!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Cookin' up a storm
Hi everyone!! Happy day-before Thanksgiving! I just began the sweet potatoes, cant wait to see how they turn out. Yesterday was a really good day. The two little ones stayed home all day with me and were surprisingly calm ("sage"). We watched Dora the Explorer, Hello Kitty and Toy Story throughout the day while playing and making turkey decorations for the table. They even took an hour nap while Ashley and I planned the holiday. THey were really good, and it was nice to hang out inside with the big projector screen down on the wall with movies playing (not done often in this house). Last night I took them to the grocery store with me so I could buy some more ingredients, and I got a cart for them to ride in. THey usually walk with me but it is MUCH more of a hassle; them wanting me to buy them stuff, so I paid 1 Euro for the cart and it was easier here. Its funny how some things are sooo difficult to find or just dont exist here, like corn syrup and brown sugar....hope we find it today for the pies!!
Today I just have lunch duties with the kids, otherwise I will be cooking a lot with Ashley. We are getting excited and I hope most of the food turns out yummy! I am preparing myself for some not-so-yummy stuff too;, haha, just in case we fail. ANyways, I will take photos and video of the big holiday in Paris, talk to you all soon and have a good holiday!
Today I just have lunch duties with the kids, otherwise I will be cooking a lot with Ashley. We are getting excited and I hope most of the food turns out yummy! I am preparing myself for some not-so-yummy stuff too;, haha, just in case we fail. ANyways, I will take photos and video of the big holiday in Paris, talk to you all soon and have a good holiday!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Strasbourg Info

Strasbourg is located in the northeastern region of France, the Alsace capital. It sits on the Rhine River and along the border of Germany. The city has an apperance of 1/2 French and 1/2 German. It has a LOT of history, starting when the Romans first occupied it in 12 B.C.
For all the details go to:
It is known for it's great architecture, cathedral and chateaus in the hills, as well as the wine and beer. There are also 15 museums there to occupy some of my time! The River Ill also goes through the city. There are festivals and operas here as well.
I look forward to my weekend here, and seeing a new region in France (especially if it's so close to Germany). Maybe I can take a shuttle or bus to a nearby chateau in the hills too!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Another Week in Paris....
Hi everyone. I know it's been awhile since my last post, but it was just another busy week without a lot of energy to blog. The winter weather is starting to kick in here, at least the temperature anyway. It is QUITE cold here...but thanks to Mom I was able to go buy a warm pea coat from H&M (aka not too expensive!). I was back in action with my stretching and aerobics classes...definitely feeling my muscles this week again! It felt good to work up a sweat and be busy in St. Germaine. My French class is going well too.....although we are getting into more in-depth grammar, and some of the tenses are really difficult for me...or maybe it's just my motivation lacking. I just know that for me, I could NEVER explain grammar to anyone like my professor and some of the girls in the class. I appreciate it now I guess....it's so simple to teach the 4 year olds here English because I don't delve into the grammatical stuff. Anyways...
Matt is doing a lot better with his carseat and behavior in the car. Ines and I had a good bonding time one evening when I picked her up from music without the other 2 kids...she sat in the front seat next to me and looked sooo tiny, it was funny. We talked about what she wants for Christmas (a puppy), and I told her I'd have someone send her a gift from the States. She liked that idea. I guess it's just when all 3 children are together, or with their friends, that they are more hyper and likely to misbehave. But they're amazing on a one-on-one basis!
Virginie had another (and last) dinner party at the house for the parents of Tiphaine's class. It went well and I helped clean and prepare...and Virginie, Jerome and I had a good time visiting and chatting while we waited for the guests to arrive. I was secretly hoping they would invite me to join everyone after the kids went to sleep.....but, no such thing occured. Oh well...I met an American mother at the kids' school. She is from California but has lived in France a long time and is married to a French man. She is really nice and we visited a long time and now say hi to each other often at school. She is giving my phone # to another American au pair she knows from Alaska. I feel more comfortable at the kids' school, as more mothers know me and talk to me...some even speak English, and I hear English accents. The kids are starting to tell their parents that they know who I am, that I'm the girl that teaches them English and sings "Hello, how are you?" to them...haha.
Some fun news is that next weekend I have a 3 day weekend! Virginie suggested it'd be a good time to travel, so after the motivation from Italy, I have decided to go to Strasbourg, France. I just bought my train tickets and reserved hotels! It is parallel to Paris, on the far east side of the country, and takes 2 hours and 20 minutes on the TGV. It took me all week to decide where to go, and after travelling with Stacey, I knew how to do some research on places to go. I debated between Avignon, Grenoble, London....and it came down to London, Nice or Strasbourg. The first 2 are more expensive just a BIT, and I kind of want to wait until it's warmer weather to see the south of France...and Strasbourg has pretty sites, and history, and it's not a far train ride, etc. So I booked a different hotel for the 2 nights (hostel/hotel), and leave Saturday the 24th and return Monday the 26th! I'm excited.
We have Thanksgiving dinner here Thursday night (of course), so that is going to be fun as well. I think we have enough recipes to make a good meal...it will be nice, but I know it won't feel quite the same having dinner at 7:30 or 8pm, after a day of work...it just won't be the same as a traditional Thanksgiving day in the States...but at least we are trying!
Okay...I think it's time for a mini Saturday afternoon nap...bonne journee!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wine under the Arche
So today is Saturday, and it's 9:30 p.m. here. I just returned from the city and am now in my pj's, comfy in the studio and going to watch a movie before bed. Today was a good day. I slept in just a little bit, then had a hair appointment near my house. Unfortunately it took a really long time and there was some car issues (juggling around cars in order for me to drive myself to the 'coiffure), but anyways I got a cute new haircut, just a trim and fresh layers...and it's a shade or two lighter from the 'black' it practically was, with some highlights....so I suppose on my way to a prettier brown in case I decide to go back to blonde later in the future!
After the coiffure I changed clothes quick and off I went into the city! I met a new friend there, her name is Paris. She takes the French course at the same school as me, although we are in different classes. She is an au pair in St. Germaine en Laye, where the kids and I have school. She is really nice, and from Minnessota, and doesn't have many friends here and is newer in Paris and to the job as me...once again, the common bond that us 'au pairs' share is strong quickly, because we really ARE the only ones that understand each other when it comes to the job. Anyways, we had a coffee together, then shopped around a bit at La Defense. Then Kirsty (from Versailles) met up with us and we headed off on the metro for Le Palais Royale, a site and neighborhood I am familiar with. We just walked around and 'windo shopped'. It was a cool but pleasant evening. After the Palais we bought a bottle of red wine and made our way back to Le Grande Arche at La Defense. It is sooo pretty at night, so we sat high up under the Arche, drank our wine and had a lovely view of the Champs Elysees and l'Arc de Triomphe! We just sat around and visited and drank our wine...nice, eh? It was funny because when we bought our bottle of wine we totally did not think about a wine OPENER, so we flirted with a water in a bar and he kindly opened our bottle for us, along with giving us 3 glasses to drink it!
So it was a good day....I plan to sleep in tomorrow, exercise, then who knows......perhaps see something new in Paris! I also found out I have a 3 day weekend just after Thanksgiving, so I'd like to take advantage of that and travel somewhere within France....to winetaste or see some chateaus, or both! So I will research and decide on something soon. Also, email me recipes for Thanksgiving please! We (my family and another family) are going to have a BIG Thanksgiving dinner the night of the 22nd and we need recipes! Thanks so much, byebye!!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Madeline Cures the Tears
Tonight I babysit for about 2 hours...Virginie and Jerome technically put the kids to bed, but when I came up they weren't asleep yet...and Tiphaine was crying for her mom and didn't want to fall asleep with her bedroom door closed. So, luckily I brought the storybook "Madeline" from the U.S. for the kids. I convinced her to let me read to her, and we read the story of Madeline and the 12 little girls that live in Paris with Ms. Clavel. The book is adorable, with fun pictures of Paris. C'est parfait ou pas? Madeline gets a bad tummy ache and has to go to the hospital to have her appendix removed. While in the hospital the 11 other girls visit her and see all the flowers and candy and balloons she gets and they start to cry because THEY want to be in the hospital too, like Madeline. Anyways, it's a cute story and I read it pretty much like any other Mary Poppins nanny-type would have...and Tiph and I talked about all the places in Paris, and one of the pictures is of the Seine River, and we talked about how the Seine goes through Bougival (where we live). She liked it alot. We finished the night with "The Little Mermaid" book, and then she fell asleep, sans tears.
Tomorrow is Friday, and I have a short work day! I am off after lunch (even though I'll work an extra hour to get some ironing and cleaning done for the kids). Then I'm off until Monday! No babysitting this weekend, so I plan to take advantage of my time off....PARIS here I come! I need to get some good rest though as well, and also exercise. The weather is supposed to be cold and rainy so I'm going to choose 'inside' activities for the weekend in Paris. I also want to finish my current novel and begin a new one. Ashley is going to London so I will hang out with Kirsty on Saturday, and maybe one other au pair I met in my French school. Her name is Paris....haha. Anyways, it's weird being back to work after 10 days off, but so far it's okay. Today I thought of a new way to convince Matthieu to wear his coat....it's Superman's cape! Lol....hopefully this new little game will get the boy to wear his amazingly warm and chic winter coat in the cold weather!
A bientot!
Tomorrow is Friday, and I have a short work day! I am off after lunch (even though I'll work an extra hour to get some ironing and cleaning done for the kids). Then I'm off until Monday! No babysitting this weekend, so I plan to take advantage of my time off....PARIS here I come! I need to get some good rest though as well, and also exercise. The weather is supposed to be cold and rainy so I'm going to choose 'inside' activities for the weekend in Paris. I also want to finish my current novel and begin a new one. Ashley is going to London so I will hang out with Kirsty on Saturday, and maybe one other au pair I met in my French school. Her name is Paris....haha. Anyways, it's weird being back to work after 10 days off, but so far it's okay. Today I thought of a new way to convince Matthieu to wear his coat....it's Superman's cape! Lol....hopefully this new little game will get the boy to wear his amazingly warm and chic winter coat in the cold weather!
A bientot!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Italy picture links
Okay first link is to my facebook album, which has a little less pictures.
Second is the kodak gallery album, with all the pics.
Hope one of them works at least! I have not had the time to sit down and write detailed captions and explanations to each photo...so bare with me! I will try to do that soon, if not...well, you understand. The order of pics goes Torino, Venice, then Milan.
Do you see the photo of the cute Italian gondolier that is smiling for my photo? Dark hair, pretty eyes! The pic is a little blurry, but this was probably my favorite moment! Besides sunset, of course!
So I went to ITALY!
Well I’m back in Paris after a 6 day trip! I actually am already working again to my surprise (miscommunication = surprise work!). I left for Italy last Wednesday bright and early. I flew out of a smaller airport outside Paris and flew into Milan. The plane flew over the Alps just before arriving. It was REALLY amazing to fly over the massive mountains, some with snow. We had turbulence just for a few minutes…but obviously I couldn’t help of thinking of “Alive” or something like that…haha. I caught a train just after I arrived at the train station, so the first day was basically just traveling. The train ride was about 2 hours and I saw the countryside of Italy. The Alps were in the background the entire way and very gorgeous. Fall in Italy is very pretty…lots of green and orange and yellow. There were vineyards along the way, some small villages, and big open areas with random mansions tucked into the hills. The train took me to Torino, where Stacey lives and is studying this semester. She met me at the station after her class and we took a bus to her apartment. She lives with 5 other American girls, so it was fun to visit with them. It definitely reminded me of living in the sorority or dorm with college girls. Torino was a very typical Italian city, and fairly big. We stopped at one of her favorite pubs owned by a man named “Pepe”. I had my first Jack ‘n Coke since being in Europe…mmm! The soccer game was on the t.v. and we just hung out there. One night I had a really good pasta dish there as well. Pink Floyd was playing in the background of the pub..my favorite album, “Division Bell”. So that was kind of funny. Thursday we walked around Torino and saw the markets, had a delicious cappuccino and brioche, took pictures of great old buildings. The architecture was similar to Paris. One of her Italian friends showed us around the city a little bit. The Po river flows through Torino…so the view of that from the bridges with the pretty scenery and chateaus, cathedrals allowed for an amazing view of the city. We had great weather as well….including gorgeous sunsets! I unfortunately was under the weather for an entire 24 hours, so we didn’t do much “wining and dining” or partying, and just had a relaxing Friday….but thankfully I felt better in time for Venice and Milan!
Saturday morning we caught an early train to Venice, and decided to skip on Verona, to make the best of our time in Venice. The train did however stop in Verona, and we got a great view, including some chateaus that COULD have been Juliette’s! J The scenery was again wonderful…the Alps are so pretty, and the wine vineyards and big houses are extraordinary. We arrived in Venice after a long train ride. Actually, we first went to our ‘hostel’ which was outside Venice about 20 minutes. We checked in, dropped off our bags and took the bus into Venice Saturday afternoon. WOW words and pictures can NOT describe Venice or do it justice. I did not realize how much of a tourist city it was…and JUST tourist, really. I mean, the city consists just of shops and restaurants. The canals are so great, and the tiny narrow streets or “alleys” between all the buildings are so adorable. There are little bridges everywhere to cross over the small canals. The colors in Venice are so great. All the buildings are so colorful and I can tell they get painted often. There are flower pots hanging from all the windows and little balconies. Shops consist of the “masquerade ball” masks and blown glass. It is EVERYWHERE. I purchased a tiny porcelain mask as a souvenir, as well as a few small gifts. The gondolas are everywhere as well, including the gorgeous men that work them! There are young guys and older guys wearing the black and white striped sweaters and black pants. Oh la la…so great! The grand canal is so pretty too. The “bridge of sighs” and Rialta offer great views. The palace and other famous structures are sooo pretty. Once again, I LOVE the European architecture, especially knowing how old it is. We had amazing weather. It was about 65 degrees and clear sunny skies. At night we had a sunset to die for…orange and purple. Trust me, I took lots of pictures. That day I was feeling a little better so I even had gelato (the famous ice cream that is EVERYWHERE in Italy).
Sunday we took another train to Milan. I checked into my hotel and then we walked around Piazza Duomo, another famous, gorgeous cathedral. Shops surrounded it, including street vendors and entertainers. Music was playing everywhere and I LOVED IT. Once again, more pictures! The weather was perfect again. I only had a few hours in Milan to get a quick taste of the city. But it was definitely a cool place and I’d return in a second.
Some of my favorite things/Observations on Italy
*smoking is just as prevalent as in France
*dress and style is the same
*cappuccino is a must before 11 a.m., after 11 it is strictly espresso!
*"gondola guy" was so gorgeous, pretty eyes, winked and smiled at me for my camera...I wanted to jump off the little bridge and into his gondola
*really gorgeous Italian guy working in a bar in Italy...and they all wear white and black FORMAL uniforms...ahhh
*Milan had lots of musicians performing in the streets...and my favorite was an Italian with dark hair, kind of scrubby looking, but he played the saxophone and sang my FAVORITE love song, "Fields of Gold" by STING! i was so excited
*drinking chocolate (we would think of it as 'hot chocoloate') but NOPE....it's a mug of pure chocolate, only slightly liquidy but mostly tastes and feels like drinking chocolate syrup we'd put on ice cream!
*mostly all restaurants and cafes, food shops do NOT have food you can 'take out'...like barely even sandwiches wrapped in Seran....pretty much have to eat food in the cafe, which is fine except when you're feeling kind of ill and just want to walk around with a snack
*I saw the Olympic Stadium in Torino, home of the 2006 Winter Olympics! It is nice, with nice landscaping but otherwise looks just like a regular stadium, except for the TALL thing that the torch was held up on
*gorgeous dogs are EVERYWHERE, just like France!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A visit and now off to Italy~
This weekend was really nice...Stacey arrived Friday evening and we went up the street to Ashley's apartment for dinner with her and her "friend", Matthieu. They made a really great dinner and we brought wine and sat around telling stories, eating and drinking. Saturday we did a lot of tourist sites, including Sacre Coeur (and it was my first time inside, soo pretty), Montmartre, Moulin Rouge, Notre Dame, Louvre, Palais Royale, Pont de l'Alma, l'Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. Stacey loved it all and took lots of pictures...Sunday we continued with a morning in the garden at Versailles, followed by a quick lunch with Ashley and Matthieu. Then we went back to the Eiffel so she could go up it! I stayed down below and actually went to the grocery store a metro stop away. I am afraid of heights and knew I couldn't go all the way up...but sometime I'm sure I will go to at least the 1st platform. It was pretty cold, but Stacey loved the view and as she was getting off it started to sparkle...oh so pretty! At least I know the drill and timeline for when future guests want to go up....it's definitely an event including waiting in line.
It was really nice to have her here, as we were able to talk about our experiences here in Europe but also talk about life back in Idaho, people, etc. She has done a lot of travelling already so I got to learn some good travelling tips for my adventures to come. I leave bright and early in the morning from Bougival to head to the airport where I'll catch a short flight to Italy! Unfortunately the short/cheap flights don't mean short travel time...I have to catch shuttles, bus, a train...so will still be paying for those and won't get to Torino til late afternoon. But this is our plan for Italy
Arrive in Milan and catch train to Torino
We'll do Halloween and 2 days seeing what there is in Torino (home of the 2006 Winter Olympics)
Saturday morning we will get the train to Verona (home of Romeo and Juliet)
Walk around Verona a few hours, then catch train to Venice (not far)
Spend Saturday evening and night in Venice and site see!
After lunch Sunday we'll get train to Milan
Hang out in Milan for awhile, Stacey will leave me to go back to Torino and I will spend Sunday night in Milan!!
Monday morning fly from Milan back to Paris
she has picked out our hostel for Venice and a hostel for me in Milan...they are hotels with a variety of roomstyles, and she will walk me to mine in Milan to make sure it's "all good". She has done this a LOT this semester so I trust her judgement! We are still trying to get one for Venice though...hope it all works out!
So I am going to see 4 cities in about 5 days!
Stacey did a great job of planning the most economical and time-friendly way to see the cities over the weekend.
Break is going nice...I have a whole 10 days off work, so I've been getting things done for myself, and trying my best to relax.
I'm feeling quite homesick lately, though...... :/
New video of sparkles from below
It was really nice to have her here, as we were able to talk about our experiences here in Europe but also talk about life back in Idaho, people, etc. She has done a lot of travelling already so I got to learn some good travelling tips for my adventures to come. I leave bright and early in the morning from Bougival to head to the airport where I'll catch a short flight to Italy! Unfortunately the short/cheap flights don't mean short travel time...I have to catch shuttles, bus, a train...so will still be paying for those and won't get to Torino til late afternoon. But this is our plan for Italy
Arrive in Milan and catch train to Torino
We'll do Halloween and 2 days seeing what there is in Torino (home of the 2006 Winter Olympics)
Saturday morning we will get the train to Verona (home of Romeo and Juliet)
Walk around Verona a few hours, then catch train to Venice (not far)
Spend Saturday evening and night in Venice and site see!
After lunch Sunday we'll get train to Milan
Hang out in Milan for awhile, Stacey will leave me to go back to Torino and I will spend Sunday night in Milan!!
Monday morning fly from Milan back to Paris
she has picked out our hostel for Venice and a hostel for me in Milan...they are hotels with a variety of roomstyles, and she will walk me to mine in Milan to make sure it's "all good". She has done this a LOT this semester so I trust her judgement! We are still trying to get one for Venice though...hope it all works out!
So I am going to see 4 cities in about 5 days!
Stacey did a great job of planning the most economical and time-friendly way to see the cities over the weekend.
Break is going nice...I have a whole 10 days off work, so I've been getting things done for myself, and trying my best to relax.
I'm feeling quite homesick lately, though...... :/
New video of sparkles from below
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A wonderful afternoon, followed by a ridiculous day
Hi everyone. Yesterday was Wednesday, and I just worked half the day, then had the great pleasure of meeting some of my mom and Harry's friends in Paris! We had been planning this for awhile and finally the day came where I could have a long visit, dinner and great company with fellow Americans! I met Jennifer and her husband Todd at le Musee Marmottan, mainly a Claude Monet/Impressionism museum, which is my favorite! Jennifer works as a lawyer in Sacramento with Harry and Todd is a lobbyist for a Biotech company (and lobbies for the support of medicine and medical treatments for cancer patients, etc). They were soooooo nice and so much fun to visit with. Right away they greeted me with a gift from my mom that she sent with them! So that was fun. I LOVED the museum, which houses all of the Water Lillies paintings, Giverny paintings, etc. WOW words can not describe how beautiful and great they are...and the paintings are much larger than I anticipated and set up in a sequence to follow. It was sooo cool to see them up close and how "blotchy" the paint is, and so colorful. And then when I walked to the other side of the room and looked back, the paintings were SO CLEAR. Wow, I loved it. I was in heaven. And they got us all "audio guides" so I learned more than I knew before about Monet and the method. Anyways....we then took the metro to the area of le Palais Royale.....wow I LOVED the neighborhood, it is soo chic and trendy and Parisian. We passed the restaurant that is featured in the movie "Something's Gotta Give" with Diana Keaton and Jack Nicholson (at the end of the film she eats here with her bf, Keanu Reeves, and then Jack comes to get her back). Anyways the restaurant looked sooo amazing inside and there was a small poster of the movie in the window. Then we walked to Willy's Wine Bar, which Jennifer had picked out before. It was so cute. So we started with a bottle of red wine and a plate of cheese and bread. Before they started to serve dinner we left to walk around the nice garden at le Palais Royale...WOW AGAIN. The boutiques had such great art, jewelry, shoes, clothes...all haute couture with pieces over 1000Euro, etc. It was so much fun, and they showed me a restaurant they had eaten at, which is a tie/jacket/dress place...that "cost me a paycheck" according to Todd. :) Anywho, we returned to Willy's Wine Bar for a MAGNIFICENT dinner, including more red wine and bread. I had steak and potatoes (but the best I've ever had with great flavor), and they ate ocotopus and lamb. Let's just say I was VERY appreciative for the company, experience, and generosity. It was also quite nice to drink glasses of wine and be with adults. :)
I will try to get some pics up soon. Today was not a very good day, but no need for details. Tomorrow night I am officially on a 10 day holiday!! Stacey arrives in the evening from Italy, then we're going to have a fun dinner with my friend Ashley and her boyfriend in her apartment. Then we'll spend the rest of the weekend site-seeing in Paris!
A bientot!
I will try to get some pics up soon. Today was not a very good day, but no need for details. Tomorrow night I am officially on a 10 day holiday!! Stacey arrives in the evening from Italy, then we're going to have a fun dinner with my friend Ashley and her boyfriend in her apartment. Then we'll spend the rest of the weekend site-seeing in Paris!
A bientot!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Rugby World Cup....
Shout out to my South African friend Kirsty and her Rugby World Cup Champions! I am so happy for her because she has been so excited watching her country rule in rugby the past few weeks. Last night I watched the match at home against England and saw her country win! It's cool to watch a sport like rugby on t.v., because it's the equivalent to American football...the excitement and passion of the crowd and the country is just as involved. The men that play are like these massive, muscular cave men...it's incredible! I don't understand the game entirely, but it's fun to watch. On t.v. they showed Princes William and Harry in the stands cheering for England (even though they didn't play well and ended up losing). After the match they interviewed President Sarcozy (who must have been there to support France's passion AGAINST England winning). Haha. Jerome explained to me today how happy the French are that England lost (and France got 4th). Sad though the news of Sarcozy and Ms Cecilia getting a divorce...I read that she had an affair and they separated in 2005 for awhile, so this must not be too much of a shock to them (and they probably stuck out their marriage long enough to get him through the election just held this year to make him President ---this is my theory anyway). Anyways...this is just some of the big weekend news here in Paris. And the transportation strike is over...so the trains and metros are back and going...I had a lazy weekend and did not get much sleep last night, as I didn't feel so well...so today I laid low and did not have a fun day. But I did finish a great John Grisham novel, "A Time to Kill" (one of my fav movies)...it was a great book! So now I'm starting "French Women Don't Get Fat", which my mom sent me (along with a new "dou dou" as the kids call them, aka a stuffed animal to sleep with at night, he's a cute little soft puppy). I will read the "Fat" book alongside another new novel (thanks to Carolyn's novel box she sent me). I'm going to go with one called "Birdman" because it's a murder suspense novel, and out of respect for Halloween coming up, I think it's the best time to delve into it!
Okay, off to bed to try to get a good night sleep before my last week of work BEFORE MY 10 DAY VACATION!!
Okay, off to bed to try to get a good night sleep before my last week of work BEFORE MY 10 DAY VACATION!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Red Red Wine
Thank God for a couple girlfriends, Friday nights and red wine. This week was another up and down journey....including stepping in dop crap (I swear there is dog crap everywhere and expensive gorgeous dogs everywhere....apparently no law about cleaning up after your dog). I of course managed to step in the dog doodoo in my Nikes moments before my aerobics class, so I got to do it barefoot. I had another lecture with Matthieu about wearing his seat belt and think finally by Monday there will be a true baby carseat in my car for him to be strapped into. He is not understanding the concept of sitting still with your seatbelt buckled. I had some hours free during a couple days, but due to the Transportation Strike, I didn't go into Paris this week except for one morning to grab a coffee and send a letter. The strike did not effect me too much, other than just leaving for school earlier with the kids to avoid any traffic (and it wasn't too bad for us). The weather was clear and sunny but getting pretty cold, like Fall. We walked to the St. Germain en Laye chateau one afternoon for lunch (instead of driving back home). It was a perfect day for the picnic, but the kids are not the best at walking longer distances.....they take their precious time, meander off, stop to stare at walls, etc. And I had the joy of getting into an argument with a French woman on the way to the chateau....Matthieu told me had to go pee, and that means NOW, so I grabbed as we passed the busy square and cafes, and walked him to the nearest alley just to avoid him going potty in total public. Well this crazy witch came roaring up to me shouting that this was her house and how dare I let him pee in front of her house. Now, granted, I agreed with her and wouldn't want someone peeing in front of my house, BUT she was totally inappropriate about it. I had the 3 little kids with me who looked terrified and confused. It was broad daylight and she was screaming, and I was trying to HELP Matt not go potty in front of a huge crowd. And also in France, many times what looks like alleys and big brick buildings don't really look at all like someone's HOUSE, so I didn't even know it was a house....MY BAD! I told her I was sorry that I didn't know and she said "ISN' IT OBVIOUS?" And I wanted to say, "NO because I'm AMERICAN and we don't have houses that look like this, SORRY!" I said to her, should I let him pee his pants? blah blah and on it went.......finally I picked him up and carried him to a different corner, basically in public, and let him go......I really wanted to avoid him having an accident because the aftermath of THAT would have been worse then the argument with the lady. Wow, she was a real piece of work.........talk about slightly incompassionate and not caring...she could have been way more pleasant about it than she was. Whatever
Last night after putting the kids to bed (Virginie had a dinner party with all the parents of Matt's class, so I was in charge of the kids), Ashley and Kirsty came over and met for the first time. The 3 of us drank wine, watched the Rugby match (France lost to Argentina and got 4th), laughed and talked mostly about our jobs, and then watched "The Best of Cheri Oteri" DVD. It was a good way to end the week.......although I drank and ate too many snacks that do not go along with my weight loss plan...
Today and tomorrow I don't have any big plans, as I also don't have much money to spend in the city....I believe the strike is mostly over (because I can hear the train again running next to the house). So I'll go see some stuff in Paris maybe with one or both of the girls....but no big 'going out' plans...I have sleep and running to catch up on, as well as preparing for my DG visit and trip to ITALY. This holiday starts on Friday the 26th and it could not come at a better time...as I really need a break from everything. Ok, I'm off to start my Saturday..........
p.s. Aunt Judy, I got your message the next morning....hope we can talk soon though!!
Last night after putting the kids to bed (Virginie had a dinner party with all the parents of Matt's class, so I was in charge of the kids), Ashley and Kirsty came over and met for the first time. The 3 of us drank wine, watched the Rugby match (France lost to Argentina and got 4th), laughed and talked mostly about our jobs, and then watched "The Best of Cheri Oteri" DVD. It was a good way to end the week.......although I drank and ate too many snacks that do not go along with my weight loss plan...
Today and tomorrow I don't have any big plans, as I also don't have much money to spend in the city....I believe the strike is mostly over (because I can hear the train again running next to the house). So I'll go see some stuff in Paris maybe with one or both of the girls....but no big 'going out' plans...I have sleep and running to catch up on, as well as preparing for my DG visit and trip to ITALY. This holiday starts on Friday the 26th and it could not come at a better time...as I really need a break from everything. Ok, I'm off to start my Saturday..........
p.s. Aunt Judy, I got your message the next morning....hope we can talk soon though!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Cabaret and kid-free weekend!
Bonsoir. It's Monday night here, 8pm, and I'm just chilling out in my studio before I get sleepy. I had a good weekend....Friday night was a long night of babysitting, so Saturday morning I slept in (a little). Tiphaine knocked on my door at 9:30 asking me where the tattoos were....Ruthie sent us a package with gifts for the kids, including some temporary princess tattoos for the girls. So I helped her find them, and she was the last member of the family I saw until today at lunch time! I gotta say, it was a nice break for 2.5 days. I went for a jog in the sun in Bougival and got some little things done around the house. Kirsty came over in the late afternoon and we got all dressed up together for Cabaret. The family left town for the weekend so we used the house kitchen to make a big dinner (at least big for us). We made steak, couscous and veggies and had a glass of wine. It was cool just to take our time making a good meal and being dressed up. After consuming a few drinks we headed off to Paris....and of course ended up sprinting in our high heels to make it to the theater on time! Our seats were high up, but the theater was very small and intimate. The play was great...the actors were great and had amazing voices. It was all in French, so I didn't get EVERY small detail of the story, however I understood the basics: sexual, 1930s Germany/Nazis, an American writer, a Cabaret....haha. Anyways, it was really good and a fun thing to experience the French theater. I made it home okay this time without having any door or gate trouble...making it inside safe. I slept in Sunday, went up to the house to do some ironing for the kids, then headed into Paris again to have coffee with Kristi (the other au pair). We hung out for about an hour and a half and visited over coffee, so that was nice. Then later last night Ashley came over to the house to have a glass of wine, we watched the rugby match on t.v. and just visited. And yes, France lost the rugby match Saturday night, and South Africa won last night (so Kirsty was very happy I'm sure...since that's where she's from). Anyways, Paris had great spring-like weather this weekend, which always contributes to a happy frame of mind. I had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend......
Today I didn't have to drive the kids to school, so I had some time to myself this morning....it was a pretty good day all around, and I got my stretching class + a jog in...so yay! This week will be busy, but I also get a little free time so I'm glad about that. Okay, I'm getting sleepy so off I go for the night........ Bisous
Today I didn't have to drive the kids to school, so I had some time to myself this morning....it was a pretty good day all around, and I got my stretching class + a jog in...so yay! This week will be busy, but I also get a little free time so I'm glad about that. Okay, I'm getting sleepy so off I go for the night........ Bisous
Saturday, October 13, 2007
sleepy in Paris...
Hi everyone reading this....it's Saturday morning here, about 10:30, and I'm listening to some Pearl Jam on my laptop...just ate a breakfast consisting of Quaker Oats, rice cakes and confiture (jam...apricot today). I'm sitting in bed, lights still down....of course my goal was to sleep in BUT I woke up at 9:30 after going to bed around 1:30....I babysat last night. I worked 13 hour days this week...Thursday and Friday actually. So, I've been tired needless to say. And unfortunately didn't have much motivation this week to 'blog' or journal. But thank goodness for the weekend! My plan today is to clean my studio and go for a good jog + some Pilates or something like that. I REALLY need to buckle down on this weight loss mission by at least starting my consistent workouts, and less sweets. I got 3 workouts in this week, so that's good. At least I'm STARTING to get into the right frame of mind. I seem to be better on the weekends (which you would think would be the opposite), but when I'm not working I get to do the things I WANT to do, keep myself busy in my own way and I've been eating less on the weekends. Hey, at least I'm acknowledging my weaknesses, right?
Tonight is CABARET in Paris! It will be a good time...I think Kirsty is coming over here later today to hang out and get ready together, and then we'll head into the city early enough to maybe get a drink or dinner before the theater. And then maybe we'll go out after too....we'll see! I'm just excited to get dressed up my own way (I seem to be trying to dress like the Europeans, and sometimes it's just not me...I want to do my own thing). Haha. I'm sure those of you that have been to Europe recently will know what I mean...I can pull off the cute scarves around my neck and the fun sweaters, but the skinny jeans and flat shoes, you've got to be kidding me. I think I'd just really like a fun pair of boots though...they are really in fashion now and everyone has them. Anyways
This week was busy....but the same as always. I had class, and they all went well. The kids were good one minute, misbehaving the next. I had good driving days and bad driving days. I laughed at times and was frustrated at times. I had 2 afternoons off work, but did not go into the city.......which is why I'm happy for the weekend. But right now my main concern is getting a workout in. I need to start taking better care of myself, which will make me feel better about lots of aspects in my life right now...meaning, when I'm healthy and in shape, I feel less stress and can enjoy other things better.
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm sure I will sleep in hopefully most of the morning. The family is leaving town today to see Virginie's brother in Lille, and they will return tomorrow afternoon...which means I can sleep in without interruption. I will probably go up to the house to get ahead on some ironing for the kids. Tomorrow will be a relaxing day. I might go into the city to meet KRISTY (the original American au pair) for a coffee. She got another job with a different family in Paris. I've also been spending some time with Ashley (the new American au pair that replaced Ashley). She lives right up the street and our kids are friends so we did lunch together twice this week, and walk to class together, etc. She is really nice and has lots of enthusiasm, etc. So anyways, its nice to have someone in the neighborhood. She already had a few friends in the city and is dating one of the guys, so she's not always around Bougival, but it's fine.
I found out I am getting 4 days off in the first of April to go to Ireland with my dad and Carolyn! I'm thrilled! They will be here for about 10 days and then we'll go to Ireland...it's cool I get this time off work to travel a little. I can't wait to see Dublin and the countryside. I have my Italy trip coming up too so I'm sure tomorrow I will do some more research for it!
Okay, off to start my day.......
Tonight is CABARET in Paris! It will be a good time...I think Kirsty is coming over here later today to hang out and get ready together, and then we'll head into the city early enough to maybe get a drink or dinner before the theater. And then maybe we'll go out after too....we'll see! I'm just excited to get dressed up my own way (I seem to be trying to dress like the Europeans, and sometimes it's just not me...I want to do my own thing). Haha. I'm sure those of you that have been to Europe recently will know what I mean...I can pull off the cute scarves around my neck and the fun sweaters, but the skinny jeans and flat shoes, you've got to be kidding me. I think I'd just really like a fun pair of boots though...they are really in fashion now and everyone has them. Anyways
This week was busy....but the same as always. I had class, and they all went well. The kids were good one minute, misbehaving the next. I had good driving days and bad driving days. I laughed at times and was frustrated at times. I had 2 afternoons off work, but did not go into the city.......which is why I'm happy for the weekend. But right now my main concern is getting a workout in. I need to start taking better care of myself, which will make me feel better about lots of aspects in my life right now...meaning, when I'm healthy and in shape, I feel less stress and can enjoy other things better.
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm sure I will sleep in hopefully most of the morning. The family is leaving town today to see Virginie's brother in Lille, and they will return tomorrow afternoon...which means I can sleep in without interruption. I will probably go up to the house to get ahead on some ironing for the kids. Tomorrow will be a relaxing day. I might go into the city to meet KRISTY (the original American au pair) for a coffee. She got another job with a different family in Paris. I've also been spending some time with Ashley (the new American au pair that replaced Ashley). She lives right up the street and our kids are friends so we did lunch together twice this week, and walk to class together, etc. She is really nice and has lots of enthusiasm, etc. So anyways, its nice to have someone in the neighborhood. She already had a few friends in the city and is dating one of the guys, so she's not always around Bougival, but it's fine.
I found out I am getting 4 days off in the first of April to go to Ireland with my dad and Carolyn! I'm thrilled! They will be here for about 10 days and then we'll go to Ireland...it's cool I get this time off work to travel a little. I can't wait to see Dublin and the countryside. I have my Italy trip coming up too so I'm sure tomorrow I will do some more research for it!
Okay, off to start my day.......
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hit and Run
The last 2 days have been pretty good....I've had both afternoons off work, so that was nice. I didn't do too much though during my free time, ran a few errands and went for my jog tonight. Yesterday I had aerobics, which was good. I was 15 minutes late, so I only got 45 minutes in. At school there was the annual "police everywhere giving all the parents parking tickets" day...so I got a 35 Euro parking ticket for being in the bus' spot, along with 6 other mothers. I'm not kidding when I say probably 30 cars got tickets. Apparently this only happens once a year....the police KNOW that there is NO WHERE to park along the 4 schools in this neighborhood....I mean, it's just neighborhoods, and some places require this "disk" you have in the car to set the time and can only stay for an hour...some places are for buses (even though they never park there). Basically it's all about parking quick for 5 mintues just to walk the kids to class......otherwise we have to park a mile away and the kids walk so slow, it takes 20 minutes to walk to class. SOO I didn't feel too bad about it, called Virginie and they will pay the ticket, knowing how awful it is...and I guess we'll buy this clock disk thing to keep in the car.. whatever. Not my deal really, I just have to get the kids to school safe. Speaking of which, today I almost got hit by a car!!!! Yep, I was getting the kids in the car, thank God they were all seated w/belts attached...I was putting Matt's shoe on, the car door was open as I was standing outside the car, and out of nowhere a car drives by quick and HITS THE CAR DOOR HARD AND FAST....scared the crap out of me, although I didn't realize what happened until a woman near me kind of shrieked and people came to ask if we were okay. The car kept driving, never stopped....I'm SURE their car had a knick in it....I think the door is okay, it seems to be.....but thankfully I wasn't standing 6 inches further out, as I would have been hit too........anyways, I used this as a great example to explain to the kids on the entire way home how dangerous the cars are, whether inside or out, and how careful and calm we must be in the car (since they like to play a lot in the car, etc...which I keep trying to fix.....) But I think they were shocked too.......
I am officially on a mission to lose some weight.....so cheer me on! I have my first trip in 3 weeks, and visitors will be starting to come in about 2 months so this will be my first major deadline......Don't worry, not planning anything drastic, just to get back to where I was about 2 years ago and approximately 10 pounds less......so we'll see. I've been jogging/walking, and now the classes are kicking in.......right now I can still jog after getting off work just as the sun is going down, it's a little chilly but not terribly cold. Once the real cold kicks in, I'll start jogging in the afternoon while the kids are at school.....
Well, I need to do a small worksheet for my French homework for class tomorrow.......
"Cabaret" on Saturday!!!!
I am officially on a mission to lose some weight.....so cheer me on! I have my first trip in 3 weeks, and visitors will be starting to come in about 2 months so this will be my first major deadline......Don't worry, not planning anything drastic, just to get back to where I was about 2 years ago and approximately 10 pounds less......so we'll see. I've been jogging/walking, and now the classes are kicking in.......right now I can still jog after getting off work just as the sun is going down, it's a little chilly but not terribly cold. Once the real cold kicks in, I'll start jogging in the afternoon while the kids are at school.....
Well, I need to do a small worksheet for my French homework for class tomorrow.......
"Cabaret" on Saturday!!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
A Sunny Weekend
Hi everyone. I know it's been a few days since my last blog. Same story...busy, too tired and not in a big 'blogging mood'. But it's now Sunday night at 9pm, and I'm getting ready for bed. Friday night I had dinner with the family because Virginie's parents came to town and I wanted to see Madame and Monsieur to say hello. I spent the remainder of night watching a movie and falling asleep early. Saturday night Kirsty and I attempted another night out in Paris...same story again, weren't real successful in finding a hotspot, but we still had fun having a couple drinks, sort of 'dressing up', and meandering around the city. Today I woke up fairly early and headed into the city to Musee Picasso, in the Marais. It's a great neighborhood, and the museum was interesting. A LOT of his work was on guitars, and then faces of course. It was cool to see the art. I took a couple pictures and bought a postcard. There is a nice garden just outside the museum. It was also the first Sunday of the month so admission was free! Musee Picasso is near the Centre Pompidou (where I was last weekend) so I headed that direction after the museum to go to the top of the building to see a GREAT view of Paris and take pictures. It was a clear sunny day and the view was spectacular. I could see everything! I then sat in the street area of the Pompidou and watched this 'street entertainer' perform for a huge crowd. He HAD to have been in the circus, a trapeze artist, or whatever they're called....he was probably in Cirque du Soleil or something. He balanced on ropes, balls, did headstands and handstands and balanced on one hand, etc. It was pretty amazing. He also didn't wear a shirt so I could see all his muscles working hard to keep him balance! I'm sure he is one of the few people who actually MAKE MONEY in the street with this talent.
My first 2 days of French class went well. The instructor is probably 26 or 27, a cool young girl. There are 12 of us in the class, half are other au pairs like me, and the other half are women...wives of men who work here. They are from Spain, Belgium, London, the Czech, Russia, and America. There is another American from New York...a girl my age. She is quite odd though... and not to be mean, but her French is much worse then mine, which makes me feel better...haha. I'm not intimidated to speak in class. The level is just right for me, challenging me but I can sufficiently follow along and respond correctly. I still have to buy 2 small books (hope they aren't expensive). We just will have little easy assignments to do. And we engage in fun, interesting conversations about France, etc. The building is about a 6 minute walk from the kids school, so that's great.
The week with the kids was the same........good, and difficult too. Nothing new to report in that department. Virginie bought me 2 tickets to see "Cabaret" the musical here this weekend! I am sooo excited. So I am taking Kirsty, the girl that lives in Versailles. We are excited to dress up for a true night out in the city...theater, dinner, drinks. So that's my big plan for this coming Saturday.
And in 3 weeks Stacey from Italy is coming to visit! And just after that I'm flying there! So I need to start thinking about Italy again, planning a few things, etc. I also started reading a 'new' book for me, "A Time To Kill"...one of my favorite movies. I just finished a book called "Swimming" and didn't really like it, but read it all anyway. So now I'm happy to be engrossed in a new book that I don't want to put down!
Okay, off to do a few things before bed. Good night.........I MISS ALL OF YOU
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
French Jazzercise
Why hello there. It is 8 pm Wednesday night, and I'm getting ready to head off for dinner Beatrice's house to meet their new au pair, Ashley. Yesterday I had my first aerobics class, where I was wondering if I was even in the right class when it first began. There were older women AGAIN (I am the only 20-30 something...def the youngest). Ughh...BUT it's not too bad. I definitely worked up a sweat, along with the instructor who had 80s style JAzzercise attire on, along with a couple other women. Yep, the shiny black tights, hot pink leotard and leggings. Haha. no joke. And the music started off with the theme song to "Shaft"...followed by more American music, including R. Kelley. Haha. It was quite a sight. But halfway through it I realized I will stick with the class, as it challenged my flexibility and got my heart rate up. Today I'm even a little sore in the legs. So that's good! I spoke with the instructor, who's a really nice lady and she knows now that I'm a student and American....for me I have to WATCH almost everything she does, as I'm still learning the "exercise lingo" in French. Haha. But it was fun.
Today I worked half a day, and took the 2 little ones to "gym" this morning. It's like the YWCA, and there are tons of gymnastics equipment set up in a big obstacle course for all the little kids to play on. The moms just follow them and help them climb and balance, etc. There's even a handsome guy that works there and plays with the kids. But...I won't go there. Lol.
I had a hair appointment today (just darkened it again...it gets light SOOO fast, ugh). I either want my hair DARK or blonde....I imagine in a year maybe I'll be back to blonde. I'm not sure. It'll take awhile to go all the way back to blonde, so I'm not thinking about it yet. Anyway, I got my bank account all set up, and officially turned in all my paperwork to get my health insurance...so soon I'll get reimbursed! Yay!
I went for a mini jog and did Pilates, then called my brother Chris to wish him a Happy Birthday! Yep, he's not quite 30....haha!!!
Then I went upstairs to help shower and feed the kids with Jerome. It was actually fun...he and I laughed about a few stories, including what I consider "old"...and the types of guys I date, and rugby, and we both laughed about the kids being difficult when it comes to eating, etc...anyways, I made their "puree" (vegetables), cleaned some dishes, put them in their pajamas and now I'm here. I have dinner in 15 minutes, so I'm off for the neighbor's house. I am hoping that Ashley and I "click" and can become friends and hang out soon!
Tomorrow morning I start my French class. wish me luck!
A demain!
Today I worked half a day, and took the 2 little ones to "gym" this morning. It's like the YWCA, and there are tons of gymnastics equipment set up in a big obstacle course for all the little kids to play on. The moms just follow them and help them climb and balance, etc. There's even a handsome guy that works there and plays with the kids. But...I won't go there. Lol.
I had a hair appointment today (just darkened it again...it gets light SOOO fast, ugh). I either want my hair DARK or blonde....I imagine in a year maybe I'll be back to blonde. I'm not sure. It'll take awhile to go all the way back to blonde, so I'm not thinking about it yet. Anyway, I got my bank account all set up, and officially turned in all my paperwork to get my health insurance...so soon I'll get reimbursed! Yay!
I went for a mini jog and did Pilates, then called my brother Chris to wish him a Happy Birthday! Yep, he's not quite 30....haha!!!
Then I went upstairs to help shower and feed the kids with Jerome. It was actually fun...he and I laughed about a few stories, including what I consider "old"...and the types of guys I date, and rugby, and we both laughed about the kids being difficult when it comes to eating, etc...anyways, I made their "puree" (vegetables), cleaned some dishes, put them in their pajamas and now I'm here. I have dinner in 15 minutes, so I'm off for the neighbor's house. I am hoping that Ashley and I "click" and can become friends and hang out soon!
Tomorrow morning I start my French class. wish me luck!
A demain!
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